Category:Expansion Packs

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Expansion packs are purchasable packs that serve to both unlock and expand the game, and unlock either a galore of quests or 10 long, drawn-out quests, depending on the expansion. However, the quests often reward very bountifully and the most known reward from Expansions are Dragon eggs and/or grown Dragons, often rewarded in the middle or in the end of the Expansion.

With the exception of Icestorm Island and Battle for the Edge, the expansions are anything but cheap, often costing around 1,000 Gems or higher.

The Expansion packs can be unlocked by either Membership or by purchase with Gems. In cases like Battle for the Edge, you can purchase the Hideout alone without having to buy the entire Expansion.

Expansion Price:

One-off Expansion Price:

As for 24th of December, 2016, Icestorm Island's price was changed from 800 Gems to 500 Coins permanently, and in April 23rd, 2019, Battle for the Edge experienced the same change, decreasing from 1,000 Gems to 500 Coins permanently. On March 23rd, 2022, Curse Of The Hobgobbler's price changed from 1,250 Gems to 1,000 Coins, though it remains to be seen if this is permanent, or not.

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