DreamWorks School of Dragons Wiki:Contact SoD Staff

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We are not affiliated with Jumpstart's team or DreamWorks whatsoever, this Wiki was created and edited by normal players who gather information in any means possible (except with malicious ways). ANY bug or glitch you found should be reported to the official staff, not to us.

School of Dragons is no different without bugs and glitches, but unfortunately it has an excessive amount of bugs.

This page was created to allow an easier, quicker way to contact the Jumpstart Support without having to search for it in the website, as well small, basic methods to fix a bug or a glitch. However, reporting a bug isn't just saying a bug exists and hoping it gets fixed, reporting a bug requires good explanation with as many details as possible in order to allow the admins to notify the developers about it, and with the information given, attempt at fixing the bug as fast as possible. The same applies to complaints and suggestions.

Bug Vs. Glitch

Bug and Glitch may sound exactly the same, their definition is very different.

  • Glitch is an unintended game state is achievable - a well known example is players being capable of gliding without a Flight Suit due to the wing membranes being stuck on the Viking. It's often associated with visual, texture, mesh, and rigging errors and aren't severely affective to the game, though can be equally annoying and frustrating.
  • Bug is when an intended game state isn't achievable - this is more commonly seen in quests where a player reaches a step but can't progress either because the dragon won't leave the location, a trigger is missing, the game softlocks on a dialogue, you name it, preventing the player from completing and moving on. These can vary in severity, from mild annoyance to outright locking the player from something (e.g.: Bull's-eye Lagoon Bug and Dragons locked in Stable Missions bug).

In summary, bugs are more important to watch out for, and must be reported as soon as possible.

Basic Resorts

Whenever you find a glitch or a bug, you may need to do the RCR method - Reopen the game, Cclear the Cache, and Reinstall the game.

Reopening the Game

Sometimes the technical difficulties are just mere one-offs like camera malfunctions and lack of collision in the map, you can either close the game by accessing the Viking Menu > Setting > Exit Game > Quit Game, or by closing the window. If the technical difficulty still presists, then move to the next step.

Clearing the Cache

Perhaps the game needs to redownload the assets and get everything in the right place, to clean cache do:

  • Desktop: Do Win+R -> %appdata% -> LocalLow -> Unity -> JumpStart_SoD (%userprofile%/AppData/LocalLow/Unity/Jumpstart_SoD)
  • Android: Do storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.KnowledgeAdventure.SchoolOfDragons/files/UnityCache/Shared/ (or just search for "KnowledgeAdventure")

Then delete ALL the files in that folder, it will force the game to re-download the files. If that STILL didn't do it then onward to the next step.

Reinstalling the Game

If that didn't worked, clear the cache again then reinstalling the game, if you're on the Downloadable from the Official Website, a common mistake is to close off the downloading box after the main loading screen is complete, instead, let the download complete then you quit the game, the box will update the shortcut and auto-close itself.

If even after reinstalling the game it didn't worked, then there's only one option.

Support Site

If even after all of that didn't worked, then head over to the official Support Site, created on December 8th, 2020, with a proper Ticket functionality and a FAQ. Players must head over there to create a ticket stating the problem and/or suggestion with the information required and clear description if neither of the former resorts helped. You may need to re-state what you have told on occasions. Brynjolf states to direct all questions and feedback to the Support Site as it's faster and more efficient to reach to them than using the Forum.

We kindly ask that you direct all questions and feedback to this support experience, as it is the fastest and most efficient way to reach us. Our developers are also working on integrating this support technology directly into the game, though the timing on that is currently TBD.
— Brynjolf [src]

On January 20th, 2021, the Support subforum at the SoD Forum was locked due to players still using the Forum for support instead of the Support Site.

Writing Tips

You need to keep in mind that a bug report needs as much information as possible, every detail counts when it comes to explaining the bug.

While there's a forum post about it, down below is a more detailed way to report a bug:

  • Keep the message as formal as possible, avoid using any inappropriate language and internet slang (extremely abbreviated language (e.g. "u" instead of "you") also counts.)
  • Describe the bug in detail, don't just casually talk about it and call it a day, describe it as much as possible, give as many details as you can and remember, even if you don't remember, at the least try to remember what you can and describe it from there.
  • "How did it occur?" "When did it happen?" and "What where you doing before/when it occurred?" are the three major questions that need to be answered, with these three questions answered, the admins can have a general idea of how the bug may have been triggered and how to fix it;
  • Mention your system information to give the admins an idea to check if the system requirements match your system as well as to give technical information to also help fix the bug, including:
    • Computer: Mention if it was on PC or Mac
    • Operating System: Specify what version of Windows or MacOS/OSX you're running
    • Graphics Card:
      • For Windows, to check on your graphic card, press Windows Key+R to bring up the Run prompt, type in 'dxdiag' (without quotes) and press Enter. If prompted with a "check for digitally signed drivers" popup, click No. In the next window, click the Display tab and then see the information under "Device". This should tell you what graphics card(s) you are currently using.
      • For Mac, on the menu bar, click the Apple icon and select "About this Mac", then from the pop-up window, select "More Info" - this brings up a report window that include any graphics cards that you have.
    • Memory: Add how much memory you have, just in case.
    • Storage: Mention if you're running low on space, just in case.
    • Internet Connection: Mention if you've been having any issues with your internet, just in case.
  • They will take a while to answer, and that's certain, but you also need to be patient as well; they have their own lives and their own routines, so don't expect them to immediately answer you!
  • Screenshots give a much better idea of the bug as well as visual proof that it happened, too!

It's never a surprise that some players have found features and glitches in this game that makes it utterly unfair, specifically for non-member players who can't afford to pay for gems and membership due to the game relying too much on the pay-to-win mechanism. Down below is a detailed explanation to how to write a complaint:

  • Avoid inappropriate language at all cost, we understand very well that you're frustrated with the game, but please avoid swearing in anger or switching to internet slang, and make sure to keep it as formal as possible - if you just constantly swear and/or use lots of slang, they may be less willing to help you.
  • Make sure you explain in full detail what are you complaining about, don't just say what you hate and nothing else, - write it like a critique, the more details and explanation about what you're complaining, the more they will understand what you mean with your complaint. Details include:
    • The subject.
    • General explanation of said subject.
    • Indicate what you dislike about it and why you dislike it.
    • Optional (though they will most likely also ask for it), tell and explain suggestions to improve or even replace said subject.
  • If they start mentioning something completely different, remember to keep your patience and DO NOT explode on them. Human error is the most natural thing in the world, and you may have to re-explain your issue again and mention that they misunderstood you. Don't lash out at them.
  • Once again, they will take a while to answer and that's for certain which means you need to have patience when it comes to waiting for them to answer.
  • Sometimes, they may ask for a screenshot so make sure you have visual proof!

Suggestions to either improve features and/or add features is always welcome in a game, however, one also has to explain a feature, always making sure that for every feature introduced needs an end.

  • As always, make sure you're being formal and clear, avoid using inappropriate language or slang.
  • If the suggestion is:
    • Short: Make sure that is very well explained, composed and organized by most important factors to least important factors, and remember to leave an example of the suggestion.
    • Long: Plan it out first! Being a long suggestion, a general plan for it helps tying loose ends and to plan out the alternative routes. When explaining, explain with clarity, organize by most important factors to least important factors, and remember to give examples! Visual explanations also help in giving a general idea of the suggestion.
  • Always double check if the suggestion isn't either contradicting yourself or the game's mechanisms, and if it is, fix it before sending it.
  • As before, they will take a while to a answer, so be patient, as always!

Keep in mind that an admin is someone who is responsible for running the website, social media and forum while the developer is someone who is responsible for modeling and programming the game. When writing a bug report, a complaint or a suggestion, make sure you keep this in mind.