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The Exchange feature is back from Dreadfall Event but this time, it's a whole lot different, while in Dreadfall Event, you needed to exchange owned items for Candy, in this Event, players can exchange the gathered Cookies for their higher counterpart, allowing players to gather the hard-to-get more easily. To access the Exchange menu, head to the Snoggletog Event menu and on the bottom right corner, click on "Exchange", this will take you to the Exchange Menu.

How to Exchange

Within the menu, the player can see the respective counter of how many Cookies do they have each, their respective names and if they have reached the minimus amount to allow an exchange.

The order of the Cookie Exchange goes from the Common cookie (Dragon Cookie) to the rarest and hardest Cookie to gather (Toothless Cookie), each Cookie requires at the least 5 Cookies to allow an exchange, beware as the text highlighted in green is how many cookie will be exchanged while the editable text within the black box is how many time can you exchange. The maximus of the exchange, however, all depends on how much can you exchange 5 X cookie for 1 Y cookie, so for example, if you have 20 Dragon Cookie, you can only exchange 4 times.

How to Calculate

File:Snoggletog event exchange max.png
In spite of having 2000+ Dragon Cookie, the player can only exchange 411 times

The concept sounds easy though it can get a bit confusing at first, given how the game doesn't properly explain how the Exchange works - all Cookies requires 5 Cookies of the former, less rarity Cookie to be able to exchange to the respective next rarity Cookie (ex: 5 Gingerbeard Viking Cookie (Epic) for 1 Toothless Cookie (Legendary)), though no matter how many Cookies you gather, every Cookie of a higher rarity will always need 5 Cookies of the lower rarity, gradually reducing the amount of Cookies won initially and often resulting in only 1-2 Toothless Cookie gathered out of 1000+ Dragon Cookie.

For reference: 1 Toothless Cookie = 5 Gingerbeard Viking Cookie = 25 Snoggletog Tree Cookie = 125 Candy Cane Cookie = 625 Dragon Cookie, so if the player wishes to know about:

  • How many desired Cookies will their Dragon Cookies give if exchanged, do n [The Dragon Cookie total]/5^(x [from 1 to 4]), 1 for Cancy Cane Cookie and 4 for Toothles Cookies;
  • How many Dragon Cookies needed for their desired Cookie, do n [The Dragon Cookie total]*5^(x [from 1 to 4]), 1 for Cancy Cane Cookie and 4 for Toothles Cookies;

For example, a player has 280 Dragon Cookies and wishes to know how many Gingerbread Cookies will that gives, do 280/5^(3) and the player will know it will only give around ~2 Gingerbread Cookies.