A Small Problem

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File:Gobber icon.png

Speaking of ransacking the town: Do you have any idea what's got a bee in Fishlegs's [sic] bonnet? He's tearing up the town. He's going to undo all the progress we've made so far if someone doesn't put an end to this weird behavior. I nominate you! Please, talk to Fishlegs and calm that man down!

1-Talk to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Have you seen Fishmeat? I almost had him down for his nap when Tuffnut made his Zippleback fire on a bag of corn being stored nearby. The loud noises woke my baby up, and he went shooting off to Odin-knows-where! I've looked everywhere.

He's so young, and he could get in serious danger. Ohh, I knew I shouldn't have let him out of his pouch today! Can you help me find him around the island?

2-Look for Fishmeat at the cave


File:Eret icon.png

Fishlegs roped you in to his little scavenger hunt too? I can't believe we're doing this instead of something more productive. If you ask me, Fishlegs coddles his babies way too much. They're dragons, not little birds! They can take care of themselves.

I suppose I'm just prolonging our suffering at this point. Let's see if Fishmeat is stuck behind these fallen branches. Can you chop the way free with your axe?

3-Chop the wood blocks out of the way


File:Eret icon.png

No luck. I'll let Fishlegs know we're coming back empty-handed. Good luck on the next stop!

4-Look for the brambles


File:Bucket icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! Good. I need your help. Doesn't this group of brambles look like they're covering for a hiding dragon? If I were a tiny, young Gronckle baby, this is where I would burrow deep into the ground. Oh, to be a Gronckle baby! What a peaceful life.

I think my bucket is way too big to dig a space out for our subterranean dragon friend. Can you do it?

5-Dig at the spot


File:Bucket icon.png

Looks like we've just uncovered some dirt. That's unfortunate; my bucket sense doesn't lead me wrong often. Alas! The search must go on.

6-Look for Fishmeat at the meeting hall


File:Astrid icon.png

[Your Viking's name], Grump is in the way while we're trying to put everything into place in the Great Hall. Can you click on him and lead him to the forge?

7-Click on Grump and lead him to the forge


File:Gobber icon.png

There you are, you big lump o' Grump! Where have you been! I need this forge lit right away and working so that we can meet the high demand!

Thanks for bringing him back. By the way, are you still looking for Fishmeat? This sort of thing is why animals have evolved to exhibit group behavior!

Being part of a group means that even young, foolish dragons like Fishmeat have a better chance to survive his erratic behavior and get the food and shelter he needs to survive. Groups can form because of genetic relatedness, physical proximity, or other factors. Our crusade to help dragons is definitely an 'other factor' here, eh?

Anyway, I think I saw the little baby fly over the edge of the cliff. Have you tried looking for him below the ridge, on the face of the cliffs?

8-Look for Fishmeat below the cliffs


File:! icon.png

You should click on Fishmeat to place him in your Backpack for safekeeping. Thankfully, he seems to like traveling in small containers.

9-Click on Fishmeat


File:! icon.png

You should bring Fishmeat back to Fishlegs before he somehow wiggles free and hides again.

10-Deliver Fishmeat to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Oh! You found him! Thank you so much! Th-hmmm. I feel déjà vu right now. Where did you go, Fishmeat? You had me so scared! Don't you do something like that to your dad ever again!

I'm glad you managed to find my little baby in time because I was looking for you to take over the search. Hiccup needs your help right away on important Berk business. He looked serious! You should talk to him right away.

Thank you for saving Fishmeat, [your Viking's name]. I won't ever forget it.

11-Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

Well, it looks like the decision is out of our hands. I've been invited to a parley under a white flag... and I need you there by my side.