A Unique Lei

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File:! icon.png

"WANTED: an understanding person to help guide and curb the excesses of one-half of our favorite twins. Please, patience is key." - Valka

1-Talk to Valka at New Berk


File:Valka icon.png

It should come as no surprise to you, [your Viking's name], but I have heard whispers on the grapevine that Ruffnut is looking for help. I try not to interfere with her schemes, but it really sounds like she has something spectacularly terrible in store this time.

Perhaps, with your help, you could help curb her desires? I'd prefer not to have to set broken bones and help mend wounded friendships, like the last time.

She's looking for help at Hobblegrunt Island.

2-Go to Hobblegrunt Island


File:! icon.png

Now, where could Ruffnut be?

3-Find Ruffnut at Hobblegrunt Island


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Ah! A perfect minion for my most perfect plan. Welcome to my lair, said the gorgeous twin to the fly...

I need your help to create a beautiful lei - the deadliest ring of flowers the world has ever seen, that is! This island has a good assortment of dangerous flora that we can use to our advantage.

First: some deadly poison ivy!


File:! icon.png

Perhaps Ruffnut could be distracted from her initial request with something flashy and pretty... red flowers, perhaps?

4-Find 8 red flowers at Hobblegrunt Island


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Oh, neat! Some nice red flowers - just like blood. Good choice, good choice.

Next: hemlock. One taste of its white petals will drop a Viking. Get me four of them - wherever you can find them!


File:! icon.png

Does this island even have any hemlock? You should look for other pretty white flowers.

5-Find 4 white flowers at Hobblegrunt Island


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Hmm. Not... hemlock. But you know what? People will assume they're hemlock, knowing that I created it, causing people irreparable emotional damage without any of the danger. He he. Loki'd!

The pièce de résistance: wolfsbane! The blue flower is toxic from flower to stem. The perfect way to finish off my lei! Get me 12 of the suckers.


File:! icon.png

Once again.

Maybe 12 of any old blue flower would do?

6-Gather 12 blue flowers at Hobblegrunt Island


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Looks like we have a full bag! Get those things to me right away. Chop chop, young hunter gatherer!

7-Bring the flowers back to Ruffnut


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Great! This will be the perfect blend of beauty and mental turmoil to anyone lucky enough to be blessed by the attention of Loki. Know that you advance the great trickster god's plans. His blessings on you!

Known glitches

  • On step 5, 4 flowers are spawned, but the next dialogues appear after having collected just 2 flowers. Go on with the quest as usual.
  • On step 6, one of the flowers is spawned under the ground making it impossible to pick.

Possible solution: go somewhere else/ restart the game, when you go back, the flowers should have spawned in different positions. Grab the available ones, and if the glitch is still there, repeat the process until you can get 12 flowers