All About the Gleam Gleam

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File:! icon.png

"Wanted: a smart business minded Viking who wants to get in on the ground floor of a brand new business opportunity. Might need to sign a non-disclosure agreement if you're not a trustworthy sort. Inquire with Snotlout for details." - Snotlout

1-Talk to Snotlout at New Berk


File:Snotlout icon.png

Of course you're in; you have a good head on those shoulders.

It was a piece of cake to convince Bucket to pitch in. He's one of those 'true artists' who wants to create for the sake of creating. Good for him. I'm a fan of more art in the world, but even better for me and you, he's willing to give them for us to sell.

Now, these Night Lights are going to be the hot tickets this Snoggletog season. We'd be suckers to not capitalize on the situation.

Now, I've convinced Hiccup to let the Night Lights see the old town, so you'll be able to meet them there. Can you go to Berk and talk to Bucket?

2-Talk to Bucket at Berk


File:Bucket icon.png

Thank you for meeting me here, [your Viking's name].

I don't know what I want to make yet. The best way to figure it out is to immerse yourself in beauty and see where that takes you. No matter how hard it is! No matter the blood, sweat, and tears it requires! That is art.

The Night Lights are somewhere on the island. Bring them to me!

3-Find the Night Lights at Berk


File:! icon.png

You should tap on Pouncer and lead all of them to Bucket.

4-Tap on the Night Lights and lead them to Bucket


File:Bucket icon.png

Oh my!

Oh my. They're even prettier in person.

I'm speechless.

I can't even put any thoughts together...

5-Talk to Bucket


File:Bucket icon.png

These dragons are so good that I could make a thousand things using them as inspiration, and I wouldn't repeat even once! Statues, perhaps, though it will be hard to capture the grace of their movement. A watercolor, maybe?

Oh, I can't wait to decide.

There are two things you should never rush: dinner, and art! Yes, yes. I need more time, more time! Give me the time to nest on this art egg and I will reward your patience tenfold.

While you are waiting, you can gather information. Snotlout wants Berkians' true opinion on these items. Please, talk to Astrid/ Mala/ Mulch at Berk and ask her what she thinks.

6A- Talk to Astrid and answer her question

Snoggletog Quiz

Why would I want a trinket from Snotlout?

  • Bucket's doing all the work. Snotlout has nothing to do with it.

Hmm... Okay.

  • Come on. It's Snoggletog!

Hmm... Okay.

  • You'll miss out on some gorgeous art if you don't get it.

Hmm... Okay.

  • The Night Lights are so adorable, don't you want a reminder?

Yes, but that means I have to pay Snotlout...


File:Astrid icon.png

They really are cute though, aren't they? I don't think I could resist.

6B- Talk to Mala and answer her question

Snoggletog Quiz

Why would I want a trinket from Snotlout?

  • Bucket's doing all the work. Snotlout has nothing to do with it.

You're not wrong, but...

  • Come on. It's Snoggletog!

You're not wrong, but...

  • You'll miss out on some gorgeous art if you don't get it.

A true Berkian masterpiece would be a good reminder of our visit...

  • The Night Lights are so adorable, don't you want a reminder?

You're not wrong, but...


File:Mala icon.png

I don't know what I think of Snotlout. He seems like he's reliable in a pinch, but he seems sharp and selfish during everyday life. How do you put up with him?

6C- Talk to Mulch and answer his question

Snoggletog Quiz

Why would I want a trinket from Snotlout?

  • Bucket's doing all the work. Snotlout has nothing to do with it.

I need to support my best buddy Bucket, of course!

  • Come on. It's Snoggletog!

Hmm... Okay.

  • You'll miss out on some gorgeous art if you don't get it.

Hmm... Okay.

  • The Night Lights are so adorable, don't you want a reminder?

File:Mulch icon.png

And, of course, I'm going to do everything I can to support my best buddy Bucket. He's the brightest artist in our village and I love getting my hands on every Bucket original I can.

File:! icon.png

You should get back to Snotlout and tell him what you learned.

7-Talk to Snotlout


File:Snotlout icon.png

Hmm... okay, okay. That's very good to hear. There's some good buzz and some word of mouth going on. Now, we grab the analytics and engage in some omnichannel marketing, then bam! We'll be raking in the dough hand over first. I can hardly wait...