Battle for Dragon's Edge

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File:Snotlout icon.png

Hmm. You know what, [your Viking's name]? I think I see something near the horizon. Will you use the telescope to check it out? I would do it, but Fishlegs revoked my telescope privileges last week. What a jerk, huh? I wasn't really going to drop it into the water... again...

1- Click on the telescope


File:! icon.png

Harald is sailing away with the object from the Dragon Hunter camp!

You need to tell Hiccup right away.

2- Tell Hiccup about Harald


File:Hiccup icon.png

Harald will have to wait. Here come the Dragon Hunters!

[animation of Dragon Hunter ships approaching]


File:Astrid icon.png

I'll keep a dragon-eye view of the battle so that I can coordinate all of our moving pieces. I need you to be my right hand Viking during this battle, [your Viking's name].

They think we're weak and defenseless because they enslave dragons. Well, we know we can accomplish so much more if we can work together with them. Let's show them how wrong they are!

Fly to the catapults and click on them to launch our attack!

3- Use the catapult on the invaders [animation of a Dragon Hunter ship being hit by a boulder and sinking]


File:Tuffnut icon.png

That ship just got Loki'd! Great shot. And the best thing is, we can keep firing because they don't know where we are! The camouflage was a great idea!

File:Astrid icon.png

Catapults, check! That worked great, but don't get overconfident. We don't want to let down our guard because these guys can bring a lot of pain if we don't pay attention.

They're starting to shoot a lot more arrows. We need to make sure we're covered from their fire. Can you talk to Fishlegs? He's standing behind the wall.

4- Check up on Fishlegs and the wall [animation of Dragon Hunter's arrows hitting the wall]


File:Fishlegs icon.png

The wall will hold together! Meatlug and I are safe behind it... and we're ready to repair any weak spots with more boulders. We won't let Dragon's Edge down!

File:Astrid icon.png

Defense, check! We're going to increase our catapult barrage, but it looks like some of the Dragon Hunters were able to land on the beach. Can you fly down and check to see if our pitfall trap is working? Be careful!

5- Check up on the pitfall trap [animation of Dragon Hunters falling into the trap]


File:Snotlout icon.png

Take that suckers! The pit should be deep enough to trap them, but Hookfang and I will check on them when we have a free moment!

File:Astrid icon.png

Pitfall trap, check! The Dragon Hunters are starting to get befuddled and demoralized. Keep it up!

[Your Viking's name], it's time for the last part of our defense: the Scuttleclaw pack defense trick. We need to split their ships up with a diversion, and well, I think you can handle it! Fly to the other side of the ships, but keep near the shore along the way: I don't want you to get riddled with arrows!

6- Fly around the Dragon Hunters


File:Astrid icon.png

Shoot the ship!

7- Shoot the Dragon Hunter ship [animation of the Dragon Hunter ships moving forward]


File:Astrid icon.png

That got their attention! Get out of there right now!

Fly around the land and you'll meet your backup. Don't get caught!

8- Fly away! [animation of other Dragon Riders attacking the ships]


File:Hiccup icon.png

Let's do it, [your Viking's name]! Blast this ship with everything you've got!

9- Blast the ship with [your dragon's name]


File:Hiccup icon.png

They're running like cowards! Ha ha!

File:Heather icon.png

I'll take another flight around this area and see if they're headed back. You should check back with Astrid and see if there's anything else we might need to!

10- Talk to Astrid at Dragon's Edge


File:Astrid icon.png

We did it, [your Viking's name]! The Dragon Hunters are retreating!
