Berk Defense

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File:Hiccup icon.png

The Death Song has a way of mesmerizing our dragons. If it's attacking Berk and building its neset on Sven's farm, all our dragons could be in danger. We need another way.

Gobber used to be the mastery of weaponry here on the island, and I'm sure he'll be itching to design something to protect us. Can you talk to him about our options?

1- Talk to Gobber about the defenses


File:Gobber icon.png

I have tears coming to my eyes, lad/lassie! I knew ol' Freya would be proudly defending Berk once more, if I just gave it a bit more time. Freya's the ballista, you know. The big, big, big crossbow.

Well, uh... the thing is, she isn't quite ready. People kept coming to my shop to borrow all sort of things and she's in a few pieces! Fishlegs took the box, Bucket has the rope, and Ruffnut has the crank.

Get those items back for me and I'll have Freya ready for combat in a juffy!

2- Talk to Fishlegs about the bow


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Hello [your Viking's name]! The large bow? Yes, I made a harp with it and some Yak hair. She's a fan of the classical arias, you know. I'm always looking to innovate, so if Gobber needs it back I'm happy to give it up!

3- Talk to Ruffnut about the crank


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Bummer! Barf and Belch are not going to be happy. We rolled the cranck on their back as a back massager. Pro tip: dragons love it, but Tuffnut? Not so much. He cried like a baby! It was awesome.

4- Talk to Bucket about the rope


File:Bucket icon.png

Hello [your Viking's name]! The thick rope Gobber used as the second part of a pulley system? Yes, you can have it back. Mulch wanted to make a sheep launcher prototype, but it didn't work out very well. The sheep launched so fast its wool flew right off. Have you ever seen a naked sheep flying through the air? Not a pretty sight.

5- Return to Gobber with the ballista parts


File:Gobber icon.png

Perfect! I'll have this crossbow built up in no time.

6- Dissolve the amber on Fishlegs's house

7- Dissolve the amber on Astrid's house

8- Dissolve the amber on the twins' house


File:Astrid icon.png

Thanks, [your Viking's name]. You're definitely doing your part to get Berk back in tiptop shape!

If we don't get the defenses done soon, it won't matter how much amber dissolver we have. Can you go see Gobber and see how the crossbow is coming?

9- Meet Gobber by the ballista


File:Gobber icon.png

Oh ho! Isn't she a beaut? Of course, she's just the first. I'm all ramped up to build more. We'll have Berk looking like a fortress in no time at all.

You can tell our chieftain that Berk's in good hands!

10- Tell Hiccup about the developments


File:Hiccup icon.png

Me, chieftain? It still sounds odd to me.

Don't worry. I won't let that distract me from the danger of the Death Song here.