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The Market has a very misleading name as this is not where you buy Battle Equipment, this is where you dismantle them.

Inside the "market", you can see your list of Battle Equipment to your left and to your right, the place where you can dismantle them. It should be noted that you can dismantle your item at any time (except inside the Blacksmith) by simply clicking on it and click the dismantle icon File:Dismantle icon.png, then it will ask for confirmation if you really wish to dismantle it or not for Shards. However if you are wearing the item that you wish to dismantle at the moment or in the "market", you need to unequip it first as it won't let you dismantle it.

File:Blacksmith dismantle 3.png
The confirmation box

When selecting an item to be dismantled, it will show you the tier, rarity, current stats it has and how many Shards it will give. The amount of Shards it gives depends on the rarity, the higher the rarity, the more it gives.

Rarity # of File:Shards.png
from dismantling
Common 1 File:Shards.png
Rare 3 File:Shards.png
Epic 5 File:Shards.png
Legendary 10 File:Shards.png

You can deposit by either click and drag or by double clicking the unwanted item, you can deposit in total of 9 items into the "market", the more items you deposit for dismantle, the more Shards from dismantling increases. After depositing the unwanted items, by clicking "Dismantle", it gives you a confirmation pop-up which by confirming your request, the items disappear and you receive the total amount of Shards from the dismantled items.