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Trophies are not technically a required part of gameplay.  Despite this, they are often highly prized, especially by those in well-ranked clans, to the point where some clans require their members to earn a certain minimum number of trophies per week or month if they want to remain in that clan.

Thunder Run Racing is the most popular method for earning trophies.  Check here to see how it handles both giving and taking trophies from players.


Challenges are another way that players can earn trophies.  After completing a game of Fireball Frenzy or finishing a single player track in Thunder Run Racing, players can send a challenge to someone on their friends list or anyone who is a member of a clan, inviting that player to beat the score you just earned.  A player can send a challenge to up to 10 people at a time per score earned.

The player who receives the challenge has three options: they can accept the challenge, reject the challenge, or ignore it for seven days.  If they take the last option, then on the seventh day the challenge will expire and be treated as though it was rejected.  Rejected challenges have no effect on the trophy count of the challenger or the player who received the challenge.

If a player accepts a challenge, they will be immediately taken into the game the challenge was sent from and will have one chance to beat their challenger's score, which will be displayed somewhere on the game-screen, depending on which minigame is being played.  If the player challenged beats their challenger's score, the challenged player will win five trophies from the challenger.  If the player challenged scores lower than their challenger or does not send a score after accepting the challenge, then the challenger will win five trophies from the player challenged.

Bull's-Eye Lagoon used to award trophies much like Thunder Run Racing, but the Lagoon is currently closed.


  • There is an on-going glitch effecting Eel Roast challenges where, upon accepting a challenge, the challenged player will find themselves stuck on a loading screen.  Since this still counts as accepting the challenge, the challenged player will lose five trophies when they are forced to refresh the game in order to get themselves off that screen.

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