Clans/Clan Profile

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File:Clan details 3.png
Inside a Clan as an Elder

When a player is a Member of a Clan, the player can view the inside of a Clan, with the landing page being the Messages. The profile of a Clan will show the total number of Points/Trophies, the numder of Members out of the limit, the Type of Clan, the Crest to the left and the description to the right, and the list of Member with the respective amount of Trophies won recently.

Selecting another user in the list will show a pop-up with options that depend on the player's rank, with exception of the "Visit" option that appears in all the Ranks. All the available options are:

  • Promote: Increase a player's rank - available for Elders and Leaders;
  • Demote: Decrease a player's rank - avaialble for Leaders;
  • Delete: Exile a Viking from a Clan - avaialble for Leaders;

Promoting and demoting a Viking won't show a confirmation pop-up all with an exception for promoting an Elder to Leader and deleting a Viking from a Clan.

Something to be noticed are the strange arrows nearby the player's names, when a player collects Trophies, they increase the Trophy count of the Clan and the player respectively at once and those special symbols will appear by a Clan and player names - these indicate the fluctuation of the Clan and the player's ranking and the Clan's fluctuation is important to keep track off if the Clan is meant to be made for competitive purposes. There's a total of 3 symbols all depending on what the Clan and Members do, if a Clan or Member:

  • Has surpassed another Clan or another Member within the same Clan respectively, a black arrow with green highlights with appear with the respective number of surpassed Clans/Members (Rank Up);
  • Hasn't increased nor decreased their rank, a "=" sign will appear (Rank Unchanged);
  • Has been surpassed by another Clan or another Member within the same Clan respectively, a black arrow with red highlights with appear with the respective number of Clans/Members that surpassed your Clan/other Members (Rank Down);

When a player has a green dot, it means that the player is online and can be visited - the Visit function serves as an automatic teleporter to the online player without having to search within servers for them.

If you're an Elder or a Leader, there will be two buttons: Join Requetst and Invite. When an user sends a Join Request, a notification will appear and selecting the Join Request button shows all the Join Requests - there's no limit to this, meaning that the requests can go all the way to 100+.

Selecting Invite does exactly what it says: it gives you 3 options to invites Members to the Clan.

  • Email Invite: Invite players via Email;
  • Buddy Code: Invite players by writing their Friend/Buddy Code;
  • Friend List:Select the friends you wish to invite to the Clan.

It's unknown if there's a limit or if the prize only is given if the players join in first.