Clans/Creating a Clan

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File:Clan create 1.png
Create a Clan menu

One of the choices of being in a Clan is to create your own, it should be noted if you are already in a Clan, you can't create your own as the option to won't appear. To create a Clan, you need to be out of a Clan for the "Create" button appear in the menu. When you select the "Create" button, it will show you a form to fill in with what you wish your Clan to have, the forms include:

  • Clan Name: The name of your Clan;
  • Description: The description of your Clan, though watch out with what you write, as the editor won't highlight the blocked words - the name and description can be as long as you wish it to be;
  • Clan Type: The type of Clan;
  • Clan Size: The number of clanmen you wish it to have, from 10 (default min.) to 100 (max.);
  • Choose Crest: Customize your Crest for the Clan.
File:Clan create 2.png
Create a Clan menu

The Crest is the icon, the symbol that represents your Clan. You can colorize the Insignia and the Backing, and there's a total of 34 Insignias to choose from - the Insignia is what will represent your Clan the most so if your Clan is all about racing, a racing-related Insignia will do it.

Insignias Preview

While you have a great advantage in creating a Clan as you get to choose your own Crest and Clan's name and description, the disadvantage of creating a Clan is it costs Gems, the default cost is 75 Gems for an Open for All, 10 size Clan. The price increases depending on the size of the Clan you wish it to have and the Type of Clan you wish it to be.

Type Open for All/Open Invite Only Private/Closed
Definition Any player can enter the Clan at their will. Players require on invites to join the Clan. The Clan relies on invites to other players to gain new Members - meaning players can't send a join request to the Clan and can only join through a join request from the Clan.
Price 75 Gems 85 Gems 95 Gems
Increases by... - +10 Gems +20 Gems
Size 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Price 75 Gems 95 Gems 115 Gems 135 Gems 155 Gems 175 Gems 195 Gems 215 Gems 235 Gems 255 Gems
Increases by... - +20 Gems +20 Gems +20 Gems +20 Gems +20 Gems +20 Gems +20 Gems +20 Gems +20 Gems

Gems are a major responsibility the Leader and Elders alike need to take account of. The Leader must keep account of their Gem count as it's the only payment to create a Clan and to save changes in the Clan - though due to the lack of Gem sharing, Leaders can transfer their leadership to a trustworthy Elder and let the Elder pay for the changes before re-transferring the leadership to the Leader who turned into a Member upon transferring the rights.

Another disadvantage of creating a Clan is the Clan requires at the least 4 Members within 15 days to stay afloat, if the Clan doesn't successfully get 4 Members in the Clan under the 15 days limit, the Clan is automatically disbanded and gone for good with no refunds. The best way to promote your Clan is by writing a post in The Barracks of Valhalla[1] in SoD Forums.

Leaders can change the customization of the Clan by going to the Clan's menu and click on the little pencil. The default fee for saving the changes is 10 Gems and while changing the name, description and the Crest won't add additional fee to the initial fee, changing the size and type will.

The additional fee is the same as the amount it would increase when creating a Clan, for example, you create an Invite Only Clan and you wish to change it to Open for All, this will cost 10 Gems - the same amount that would increase if you created an Invite Only Clan. While you can change the type, you can't decrease the number of the size of the Clan, which means if you created a Clan to have room for 50 Members, you can't decrease it to 40 Members - you can only increase it further until you reach the 100 limit.
