Clans/Message Board

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File:Clan gen w clan.png
The landing screen of a player with a Clan

The Message Board is a more in-depth, Clan exclusive version of the Chat who clanmen can safety talk with other clanmen as well as receive news from the Leader without having to rely on outer sources of chatting.

The Message Board is the near equivalent of a private forum and it shares the same traits of messaging a friend in the game via their profile - each message has a character cap of 160 characters and upon posting it, the owner of the comments and the high ranked users (Elders and Leader) can delete it, you can reply to the message or block the person if they're bothering you, if you're friends with the owner of the message, you can also ignore/un-friend them. A major difference from the profile messages is you get the option to view all the replies to the post in a form of a thread, this prevents the clanmen from getting easily lost in the Board when it comes to check on the conversations Members have and prevent Members from saying inappropiate things.

While all the Members get to post and reply to uploaded messages, Leaders have an exclusive option to write News Messages. News serve to alert the Clan regarding important matters right there on the spot for all the clanmen to see, they can't be viewed in a form of a thread and can't be replied to either, they have the same 160 character limit and only the Leader can delete them though clanmen can still be able to block or ignore/un-friend them like the profile messages. Unlike normal messages, clanmen will receive a notification in the Chat about the news that got recently uploaded.

Within the Message Board, there's two sub-categories: All and News. The All sub-category is a category that both messages and news at once, whereas the News restrictedly only shows the News - there's also two special icons that show up on the top left corner in the replies:

  • If it's a reply or a normal post, the icon will be a traditional mail icon with a helmet on it (Clan Message);
  • If it's a news post from the Leader, the icon will be a scroll with the same helmet (Clan News);