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File:Valka icon.png

It seams we need to collect the Night Lights! Please check on Pouncer at Titan Island

1- Go to Titan Island to fetch Pouncer


File:Valka icon.png

Ah! Dart is here as well!

It is time. Let us gather at my sanctuary.

Let's check on them once they arrive, to see if each is ready.

2- Check on Dart


File:Valka icon.png

Leading the way as always I see, Dart!

3- Check on Pouncer


File:Valka icon.png

That is certainly a joyful "yes!"

4- Check on Ruffrunner


File:Valka icon.png

My heart is gladdened to see you ready!

The young ones are prepared. Join Toothless and the Light Fury: let us observe them!

5- Stand with Toothless and the Light Fury

  • Cutscene: The Night Lights run up to the platform in front of of the Bewilderbeast, the symbol on the platform glows, and each of the Night Lights grow into adults.

File:Valka icon.png

What an incredible experience to witness. We are honored.

File:Fishlegs icon.png

Thank Thor, I sure walked in at the right time!

6- Talk with Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

That was incredible to see. I almost forgot what I wanted to tell you! What was it ... oh!

When you are done here, Harald wants to talk to you at the school. But I think it's okay to keep him waiting. I haven't forgotten he and Stormheart conspired to drown me.

7- Go to the School

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

I'm by the "Great" hall, [your Viking's name]; take your time. I'm not in a hurry, though you might be, after the news.

8- Cautiously talk with Harald

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

This comes with some show and tell. A little field trip, if you will.

We're off to the place you call Scuttleclaw Island. Also known as the warlord's new western outpost.

9- Go to Scuttleclaw Island

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

You're familiar with this island, I can see.

Come over here, [your Viking's name], and we'll get to it.

10- Meet Harald by the Warlord camp

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

At the heard of this camp, is the most current set of battle plans. I tried to take a peek earlier, but there's just too many here.

Perhaps you and your new pet dragons can actually get at it?

11- Find the secret battle plan


File:! icon.png

You've been spotted!
  • Cutscene: Warlord soldiers come charging near your position. Night Lights come in from the ocean side of the outpost, landing next to you. Pouncer blinds the Warlord soldiers with his attack.
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Well, that's one way to do it. Grab those plans!

12- Find the secret battle plan


File:Griselda icon.png

Thief! How dare you skulk around my camp? Come, face me honorably!

File:! icon.png

Pouncer seems to want to help out.

13- Mount Pouncer


File:Griselda icon.png

Running away, are you?

14- Confront Griselda


File:Griselda icon.png

I see you changed your mind, and brought your dragons. No matter! I will show you the ruthless might of the Warlords.

15- Defeat Griselda in Dragon Tactics (Complete Dragon Tactics level: The Grim)


File:Griselda icon.png

You'll pay for this!
  • Cutscene: Griselda escapes on a Warlord ship.

File:! icon.png

They are headed back towards their fleet. Don't let them regroup!

16- Follow the ship out to the ocean


File:Valka icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! We have come to offer you assistance. Shoot at the weak points of the fleet: we will cover your attack!

17- Shoot the Warlord Ships


File:Valka icon.png

Keep up the pressure!

They have attacked the Krayfin! Give him aid!

18- Land on the Warlord ship that captured the Krayfin

  • Cutscene: Warlords attack the Krayfin with clubs. Ruffrunner distracts the Warlords, letting the Krayfin escape. Ruffrunner then follows the Krayfin.

File:Valka icon.png

Well done, Ruffrunner.

Enough is enough. [Your Viking's name], head after their largest ship with the Night Lights: it is time we showed direct strength, even if we must fight in their territory!

19- Fight the Warlords in Dragon Tactics (Complete Dragon Tactics level: The Three Warlords)


File:Valka icon.png

Well done, that visible loss should demoralize their whole group; is anyone injured?

Hurry back, let's check in on the Night Lights after that fierce fight. They are unused to such violence.

20- Check on the Night Lights


File:Valka icon.png

Wait, [your Viking's name]! Stormheart has found our injured Krayfin!
  • Cutscene: A small ship with Stormheart's insignia and the Krayfin trapped in a rope docks inside the Tempest. The jaws of the Tempest close.

File:Valka icon.png

We need you urgently on the Tempest, [your Viking's name], Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner!

21- Land on the Tempest


File:Valka icon.png

Stormheart, this is not your fight.

File:Stormheart icon.png

It is. You have failed to protect the Krayfin. I will take over from here, and this whole archipelago, once and for all.

[Your Viking's name]. You have ignored my warnings: there won't be any more. You will die today.

22- Confront Stormheart in Dragon Tactics (Complete Dragon Tactics level: The Tempest)


File:Valka icon.png

Are you all right, [your Viking's name]?

We must stay focused on our priority: the innocent dragon! Join me with the poor Krayfin, we must not lose sight of protecting the innocent.

23- Free the Krayfin

  • Cutscene: Valka heals the Krayfin, and he leaps out of the water with joy.

File:Valka icon.png

You are free, dear one. Your wounds will heal with time; you must go where humans cannot. Dive deeply!

Now that the dragon is safe, we look to our foes. Stormheart has disappeared. Let us spread out and find her.

This prolonged war must end: perhaps she will see reason now that the Krayfin is not in immediate danger, and we have shown we wish to protect it as she does.

24- Search the Tempest for Stormheart

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

So: still looking for Stormheart? I have a gift for you.

25- Talk with Harald about a "gift"

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Stormheart has a plan which is no doubt full of vengeance. I suggest you think a step ahead of her this time... she isn't much without this ship, is she? What if you did something about that...

The Moldruffle dragons that Stormheart uses to propel her ship are miserable. With a bit of a pep talk, they'd mutiny in a heartbeat. But you didn't hear it from me. If it works out, though, consider doing me a favor another day, won't you?

26- Check on the Moldruffle


File:! icon.png

Harald was right, these Moldruffle are in horrible condition, listless and sad.
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

You see, Harald is always right.

File:! icon.png

There must be some way to free the Moldruffle.

27- Rally the Moldruffle

  • Cutscene: Dart inspires the Moldruffle to mutiny and fly away from the Tempest.
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

We can talk favors some other time. Nice working with you as always, [your Viking's name].

File:! icon.png

With the Tempest crippled, now could be the time to sink it.

File:Valka icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! With the Night Lights at your side, you should be able to overheat the engines if you concentrate firepower! [sic]

28- Lead the Night Lights to overheat the Tempest engine (Note: this involves shooting at the engine. You may have to mount your dragon to see the target cross-hairs.)

  • Cutscene: Dart roars, and Ruffrunner and Pouncer join her next to the Tempest engine, overheating it.

File:Valka icon.png

Quick, get out of there!
  • Cutscene: You and the Night Lights escape as the Tempest bursts into flames and sinks

File:Valka icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! [Your Dragon's name]! What an explosion! Are you alright?!

29- Regroup with everyone


File:Valka icon.png

What a relief, that we are all safe and sound. What was done is done. I am proud of you for your quick-thinking and bravery. All of you.
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Why, thank you, Valka.

File:Valka icon.png

Don't try our patience. I recommend you go elsewhere, Harald.
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Point taken.

File:Valka icon.png

[Your Viking's name]: It is time we returned home.