Dangers in the Ice

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File:Fishlegs icon.png

Dreadfall has been a well-oiled machine for this entire month, thanks in large part to your help. Everyone is getting in on the fun! It's so good to see.

Still, I can't stop thinking about the mystery we left on Icestorm Island. Now that our chores are done, we can indulge our curiosity, don't you think? See you at Icestorm Island!

1-Go to Icestorm Island


File:Fishlegs icon.png

I don't know why, but I feel really uneasy right now. I wonder if everything is okay? Can you humor me and check in on the Speed Stingers? I remember the they were pretty disturbed the last time we were here. Maybe they sensed the danger before.

2-Fly to the summit of Icestorm Island


File:Fishlegs icon.png

What?! Where did they all go?

3-Look for the Speed Stingers


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Oh no! Be careful... they're ready to strike!

Speed Stingers are touchy dragons to begin with, but this dragon they're fighting seems just as angry...

Wait - is that dragon - he sort of looks like a Speed Stinger too!
No - first thing first - [your Viking's name], drive that mystery dragon away from the Speed Stingers! Shoot him with fireballs!

4-Shoot the dragon away from the Speed Stingers! (5)

[animation of the mystery dragon flying away]


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Oops. I think we've worn out our welcome. Back to the camp, [your Viking's name]?
Let's go!

5-Get away from the Speed Stingers to the camp


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That dragon tore out of here like his hair is on fire! Is everything okay? He was spraying Flightmare gas all over the place, though he didn't look like any other Flightmare I've ever seen.

(I could be wrong, though; I ducked and covered as soon as he appeared. He didn't look happy!)


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Could he have been a hybrid dragon, just like the one you met at the Training Grounds? We need to let Hiccup know right away!

6-Talk to Hiccup at New Berk


File:Hiccup icon.png

Wow. That's incredible! It's like a new tidal wave of change happening all across the archipelago. We'll have to keep an eye out of new dragons wherever we go... though maybe we should be more careful with that one, hmm? He sounds like we need to approach him with caution.

Oh - and good job finding him, [your Viking's name]!