Dragon Happiness/Play Menu

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File:Draghappy light playing.png
Scuttleclaw playing with the light
Pros: Cons:

  • Increase happiness by 12 Points twice in one round;
  • Starter option.

  • Decreased Energy by 0.5;
  • Required the player to move the mouse/finger around to keep holding it for a longer time.
The Light Contraption is a slingshot-like item with a candle as a light and a glass lens to emit a light spot, similar to the modern laser pointer. Once selected, the Dragon will follow the light and if the player doesn't move the mouse, they will try to catch light like a cat. If the player doesn't move the Contraption, it will stay for a couple of seconds and increase 12 Dragon Happiness two times before disappearing, in exchange of 0.5 Dragon Energy for both times - in a total of +24 Dragon Happiness and -1 Dragon Energy.

File:Draghappy ball playing.png
Scuttleclaw playing with the ball
Pros: Cons:

  • Increase happiness by 20 Points;
  • Starter option.

  • Decreases Energy by 1;
  • Requires the player to for the Dragon to chase the ball, grab it and walk back to the player.
The Leather Ball is a manually made ball stitched in patches of leather. Once selected, the player has to click/tap on anywhere on the screen to throw the ball, during this sequence of the dragon chasing the ball to grab it and return to the player, the player has no control over the dragon. This means if the Dragon's AI can't find the ball, you'll have to click on the ball again to reset it - the Happiness only comes when the dragon returns the ball. It gives 20 Dragon Happiness in exchange of 1 Dragon Energy.

File:Draghappy petting.png
Petting a Scuttleclaw
Pros: Cons:

  • Increases happiness by 5 Points;
  • Rewards 5 Dragon Bonding XP;
  • Wastes no Energy.
  • Starter option.

  • May take a while to achieve full happiness;
  • Requires to click and hold on a specific spot, if the spot is a very small and specific one, it will be hard to pet the Dragon.
  • Some Dragons' petting animation moves the petting spot with them, making it impossible to pet them till their happiness increases.
Petting involves hovering your mouse/finger on the Dragon's belly or head, and click and hold until the mouse blinks. Some species do a petting animation, making it easier to see if the dragon is being petted or not. The best way to find petting spots is by hovering the mouse or finger all over the dragon - if it reacts to it or the mouse changes from an arrow to a hand, it means you found a petting spot. Some dragons such as Eruptodon and Sentinel have very small, specific petting spots. Petting gives 5 Dragon Happiness and 5 Dragon Bonding XP, it's one of the few methods that don't waste energy.

Before the v3.13.0 update, players had to manually give Dragon Nip and rewarded 5 Dragon Happiness and 5 Dragon Bonding XP, though only counted if the Nip was over a petting spot meaning Dragons with very specific spots such as Eruptodons would be difficult to give them.