Dragon Rider, Undercover

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File:Eret icon.png

It feels like an age since I was last here. I'd hoped that I would never have to set foot here again, but I guess you can only avoid your past for so long. Click on me and I'll show you around.

1- Click on Eret and follow him

[the following dialogue will appear as you walk behind Eret]


File:Eret icon.png

So, this is Auction Island.

It's full of scum and villainy. Be sure to stay close.

Items from all over the world find their way here, as do rare dragons.

Up ahead is the trading center.

Ready? Act like you own the place.

Dragon Trader

File:Dragon Trader icon.png

Short Wing Singetail for sale! It's fresh from the wild and in need of strong chains around its neck!

File:Eret icon.png

It's that slimy dragon trader. He's been catching and selling dragons to the worst kinds of scum for years. I reckon it's time for his little business to take a dive. Have a word with the dragon trader and find out where he's keeping that Singetail.

2- Talk to the dragon trader about the Singetail

Dragon Trader

File:Dragon Trader icon.png

Eh? You look a little young to be dragon hunting. You should leave my stand now. I've got real business to attend to. Singetail for sale!

File:Eret icon.png

Not as stupid as he looks but don't worry, my friend. We'll get another chance. In the meantime, do you see that shifty looking storekeeper to my starboard? If there's anyone here who knows where Harald is, it'd be him. Try to sweet talk it out of him.

3- Talk to the shifty storekeeper about Harald


File:Storekeeper icon.png

Harald? Yeah, I know that scoundrel. Don't bug me about him; I've got other things on my mind. I've made deals all over town with some pretty nasty hunters. If I don't come up with some dragon teeth soon, I'll lose mine.

I don't have time for you unless you can get me some dragon teeth. If you get me some, then we can talk about where to find Harald.


File:Eret icon.png

Well, he could have asked for worse. Would you let me have a go at him? I have a way with these tradesman. Head back to the docks and ask Astrid if she can help you find some dragon teeth.

4- Talk to Astrid on the docks


File:Astrid icon.png

I've got it! Gobber has been cleaning dragon teeth for years and I'll bet he's got buckets of old teeth lying around. I'll get them for you. Stay here and make sure Eret has some backup.

[animation of Astrid flying away on Stormfly]


File:! icon.png

Astrid might be a while and there's still a caged Singetail somewhere on this island. You should find it before it gets sold to a vicious dragon hunter.

5- Find the caged Singetail


File:! icon.png

There it is... but it looks like that dragon hunter is guarding the cage.

Perhaps Eret can help you out if you clue him in on the situation.

6- Get Eret's help


File:Eret icon.png

Sorry, mate. He's a hard lock to crack. The only thing I learned was that Harald wants his gold delivered to a specific place each time. Maybe we can use that against him, eh?

You found the Singetail? Well, it's a good thing I'm here. There's not a dragon alive that I can't break out of a cage. Click on me and show me where it is.

7- Tap on Eret and bring him to the Singetail's cage


File:Eret icon.png

He's no problem. I can keep him distracted for a few moments. Trust me.

File:! icon.png

You have a few moments while the dragon hunter is distracted. Try to open the cage!

[the following dialogue will happen betweeen Eret and the Dragon Hunter]


File:Eret icon.png

I just have to ask...
Dragon hunter

File:Dragon hunter icon.png


File:Eret icon.png

It's about your tight helmet.
Dragon hunter

File:Dragon hunter icon.png

What about it?

File:Eret icon.png

Does it make it harder to think?
Dragon hunter

File:Dragon hunter icon.png

Let me think about that.

File:Eret icon.png

Take your time!

8- Open the cage while the guard is distracted

[you need to solve the cryptex to open the cage]

[animation of the Singetail flying away]


File:Eret icon.png

Fine, fine! It's your helmet. I've never seen someone make such a fuss about a helmet before.
Dragon hunter

File:Dragon hunter icon.png

But you were the one who asked me about it.

File:Eret icon.png

Never mind your excuses. Some do-gooder dragon rider probably crushed it smaller. If the dragon rider can hear me, he or she had better go running back to their hiding place because Eret, son of Eret, is going to hunt you down!

Do you hear me? Go back to your hiding place!

9- Escape to the hiding place


File:Astrid icon.png

There you are. Why are you two out of breath?

File:Eret icon.png

It's a long and epic tale of clever deception and narrow escapes that only [your Viking's name] and the great Eret were crazy enough to pull off.

[item: 1 Monstrous Nightmare Teeth]

File:Item monstrous nightmare teeth.png
Monstruous Nightmare Teeth

File:Astrid icon.png

I don't think I want to know.

[Your Viking's name], here's a bag of Monstrous Nightmare teeth from Gobber. Give it to that Shifty Storekeeper and maybe we can finally catch up to Harald!

10- Give the dragon teeth to the storekeeper


File:Storekeeper icon.png

Wow! This'll be enough to settle my customers and then some. How did you get so many dragon teeth? You must be the craziest dragon hunter that I've ever met.

A deal is a deal! Harald left me this map for the next dragon tooth trade. "X" marks the spot. Come back any time you've got something to trade.

[item: 1 Harald's map]


File:Eret icon.png

I guess Harald is the cautious type. Open your backpack and click on Harald's note so we can find out where we're sailing to.

11- Open your backpack and click on Harald's map


File:Astrid icon.png

Oh, Stormfly and I pass that place every day when we do our training exercises! That's Hobblegrunt Island.

File:Eret icon.png

We'll get there in no time with this wind at out backs. Astrid? Could you fetch [your Viking's name]'s dragon and meet us there? We've got a pirate to wrangle. Climb aboard!

12- Join Eret on his boat to Hobblegrunt Island


File:Eret icon.png

How in the world did [your dragon's name] get here before us? That dragon must've missed you a whole lot. How could I ever have trapped these amazing creatures?

It's time to round up a pirate. Could you let me see that map for a second? Alright. Click on me and I'll take you to the "X".

13- Tap on Eret and follow him to the "X"


File:Eret icon.png

This isn't right. What's wrong with that map?

Hang on. I saw Fishlegs fly to the other side of the island as we made our approach. maybe he knows why the map is so dodgy.

14- Talk to Fishlegs about the map


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Of course I'll help you with the map. Let me see... Based on the paper, I'd say this map is two, maybe three hundred years old. It's not accurate anymore because the landscape has changed over those years! You're at the right spot according to the map, but the land around you has changed.

The world is made out of these giant pieces of solid rock that are thousands of miles across, called tectonic plates. There's super-hot rock called magma in the center of the Earth that constantly pushes against these plates. This can lead to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

It even causes the land to move! You wouldn't notice on a daily basis, but there can be significant shifts over thousands of years.

When multiple tectonic plates meet, they can act in unique ways based on the direction they're moving and how compact they are. Because there are so many volcanoes in the area, I think we're near a convergent boundary where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other.

When tectonic plates converge, the smaller, less compact plate is pushed under the heavier plate, resulting in the constant shrinking of the smaller plate.

We might be experiencing the effects of this shifting, converging, and shrinking right now. According to the map the "X" is on a beach, but it might look a lot different now that it does on the map. Look for the "X".

15- Look for the "X"


File:Fishlegs icon.png

My goodness, this beach is completely submerged! We must be on the less dense plate. This map is useless to us... How are we going to find Harald?

Oh Thor! It's Leopold, Harald's dragon! Quick, catch him before he gets away!

[animation of Leopold dropping a piece of paper and flying away]

16- Catch Leopold


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Ah, you were so close! I think I saw him drop something. It's a long shot, but maybe it might lead us to Harald. Can you fly down into the valley and find it?

17- Find what Leopold dropped


File:Fishlegs icon.png


Could you please bring the scrap of paper to me? I'd ike to find out where that scoundrel has gone, too.

18- Show the scrap of paper to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

It says "The deal is off. I have a new buyer. You won't get any more dragon teeth from me, you deadbeat trader." Oh dear. I guess we're all out of clues.

File:Astrid icon.png

Where are you, [your Viking's name]? It's an emergency! Talk to me!

19- Talk to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

Something terrible has happened! Skulder, our friend and Archaeologis, is sick.

Don't worry. Stormfly and I will stay here and keep an eye out for that pirate. You should hurry to Dragon's Edge. He specifically asked to talk to you.

20- Talk to Skulder at Dragon's Edge Clubhouse


File:Archaeologist icon.png

My dear friend... I apologize for my runny nose and terrible cough. I've faced almost every strange dirt and irritant known to Vikings and this one will not defeat me. I must speak to you about this fog.
