Dragon Tactics Levels/Dreadfall 2019

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Fight the ghastly dragons, if you dare...

Released in October 10th, 2019, the Dreadfall Levels follow the same roots as to the Icestorm Levels, to unlock the next level, you need to complete the unlocked one first, each level will get harder as the Level Requirement increases.

At the moment, it's impossible to unlock them.

Dreadful Bites

Suggested Viking and Dragon Levels: 8-10


  • ??
  • ??
Info Helper Enemies
Hiccup Lvl: 10 5
Health Points: 700 Enemy class tip:
Skills: Sword


Electric enemies and sonic enemies!
ALLY Stats Actions Power Range Turns to reload Additional effects
Slash 100 STR Close 1 -
Fire Sweep 348 FPR Close 3 -
Cure 560 HPR Close 4 -
Defend Target: Self / 1 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75%
Enemies Name Lvl HP Speed Range Skill


7 380 4 Long S2 Electric.png


7 765 3 Mid S2 Sonic.png


10 800 3 Long S2 Electric.png

Gastly Gashings

Suggested Viking and Dragon Level: 10-15


  • Your Viking must not leave battle
  • Defeat the big Dreadgobbler


  • Defeat the big Dreadgobbler within 10 turns
  • No allies leave the battle
Info Allies Enemies
3 dragons of your choice 7
Enemy class tip:
Agile and gas enemies abound!
Enemies Name Lvl HP Speed Range Skill

Dragon Hunter

10 500 3 Close S2 Gas.png
Dreadgobbler 8 540 3 Close S2 Agile.png
13 815

Deadly Dangers

Mystery at Midnight

Grim Guides

Darkness Descends

Horrifying Haunt

Creeps and Chills