Dreadfully Delightful Decor

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File:Gobber icon.png

Welcome to our Dreadfall festivities, [your Viking's name]! Everyone is getting in the spirit, particularly the twins: there's quite a giant mess by the maze! Go take a look, will ye?

1-Go to the decoration heap in New Berk


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Did Gobber call my artistic expression a MESS?

Because yes. It is a mess right now. I need help.

And you don't look busy. Let's do this. Grab some decorations from the box!

2-Tap on the box of decorations


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Perfect; let's get to decorating. I marked some spots: put out some things around New Berk!

3-Place a Dreadfall Decoration (8)


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Lookin' great! Come on back overe, though, there's a wrinkle in the plan.

4-Come back to Tuffnut


File:Tuffnut icon.png

My sister is the wrinkle.

File:Ruffnut icon.png

Your FACE is a wrinkle, Tuffnut. I just finished my own decorations: living Dreadfall artwork. Check it out!

File:Tuffnut icon.png

Ruffnut's dragons are going to attract wild ones to mess up our hard work! Good thing I thought ahead. Let's put up scarecrows. Grab 'em out of the box!

4-Find the box of Scarecrows


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Plop those scary things down.

5- Place a Scarecrow Decoration (2)


File:Tuffnut icon.png

So now we've got scarecrows ...! Which are doing nothing to help, wild dragons are helping themselves to our fancy display anyway.

Grab those troublemakers before they ruin everything!


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Don't touch my painted dragons, they're mega behaved.

6- Grab the dragon troublemakers (5)


File:Tuffnut icon.png

That's it: organized chaos. Just the way we like it.

Come stand over by me, and we'll review your work!

It's almost Loki-level mayhem! Great stuff, [your Viking's name]