Fish a Plenty

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"Fish! My dragon wants them, your dragons wants them, and heck, I want some too. Feel up for a long fishing expedition?" - Gobber

1-Talk to Gobber


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I know, I know. It's not a glamorous job, but it has to be done. Someone's gotta keep our dragons fed. Have you ever seen the school nursery when it's lunchtime? You gotta hustle if you don't want your toes crushed!

Today I want you to help me gather a varied diet, for our more picky eaters. Let's get you started with some saltwater fish! You can find your way to the fishing spot at the edge of this island. Go on!

2-Go to the ocean fishing spot


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Gobber wants a varied diet, huh? You could start by catching two salmon at this saltwater fishing spot

3-Catch 2 salmon


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You know that [your dragon's name] loves halibut, and other dragons would as well. You should catch 2 of them here.

4-Catch 2 Halibut


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Not bad, not bad! I like your initiative, but we need a splash of freshness in our platter: freshwater, that is. To the fishing pond!

5-Go to the fishing pod


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Get in there and fish up some perch. A common fish, but quite delicious. Our dragons will just gobble them right up.

6-Catch 2 Perch


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That's quite enough work for one day. Get back here and hand over the treasured stash!

7-Give the caught fish to Gobber


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I couldn't have done it better myself. We'll always need more fish, so come give me a shout whenever you feel up to earning some candies!


To fish the specific species required, our advice is to go to these fishing spots: