Following Harald's Trail

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File:Astrid icon.png

Harald has some no-good tricks up his sleeves! Stormfly and I caught up to him when he finally showed up at Hobblegrunt Island, but he was able to distract us and slip away into the fog. Ugh!

After he disappeared, I backtracked to the spot with the "X" on the map and found this locked chest. Can you click on it and figure out how to break the lock?

1- Click on the chest and solve the cryptex


File:Astrid icon.png

Ooh! Great job.

Now, what could Harald possibly leave behind for his contact at Auction Island? I wonder if it holds some new instructions. Pick up the note and see what it says.

2- Pick up Harald's note


File:Astrid icon.png

"Gather all the rich buyers for the next auction, you old rascal, and I'll make sure you get paid. I'm bringing more of the enchanted bones for you."


I don't know what sort of scam Harald is running, but one thing is for sure: he's going to hurt some dragons to make some money. We need to stop him right away. Talk to Eret at the docks and we'll get ready to sail!

3- Talk to Eret at the docks


File:Eret icon.png

Back there again? I warn you, we'll need to be on our best behavior this time around, since a Singetail mysteriously found its way out of its cage the last time my ship showed her face at Auction Island.

File:Archaeologist icon.png

One moment, if you will! Would you mind if I came along for your trip to Auction Island? I know it's a little out of the ordinary for me to go. I want to know exactly what 'magic' there could be in the bones.

I'm a man of science and I don't believe his claims! Also, I have a grudge against Harald to settle. He locked me in a cage to rot! If you hadn't been there to...

Ahem. Forgive me. Let's board Eret's boat and get on our way!

4- Hop on Eret's ship and go to Auction Island


File:Eret icon.png

Reel your eyes back into your head, Skulder. You look like you've never been in a den of thieves before.

[Your Viking's name], find Harald's contact and give him the note. I'll stay by our scholarly friend here and make sure he doesn't accidentally rile up these sensitive traders.

5- Give Harald's note to the shifty storekeeper


File:Storekeeper icon.png

I see you caught up to that scoundrel, and he's already got you running errands for him. Hah!

Tell Harald that the magic Tooth of the Red Death is on display at the auction area. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... but that Tooth really turns dragons into stone, right in their tracks! It's drawing interest from dragon hunters everywhere.


File:Eret icon.png

A tooth that can turn a dragon into stone? I've never heard of such a thing in my life!

[Your Viking's name], I know the spot he means. It's nothing more than a clearing in the town that they use to showcase their wares, but these simpletons seem to draw some pride from it.

You can follow the road there. Click on Skulder and lead us to the auction area; I'll keep an eye on our backs.

6- Click on Skulder and lead him to the auction area


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Magic? Hah! This is just smoke and mirrors from that scoundrel. It's just a ruse. The dragon tooth didn't turn anything into a stone. These aren't stone dragons, they're fossils!

Fossils are remains of plants or animals from thousands of years ago. After these dragons died, they were buried under the ground.

Over time, water from the ground around them filled into the body and dissolved all the organic parts of the dragon and left just the miinerals.

These minerals still hold the shape of the dragon's bones, but it's just rock! This is called a body fossil.

Let's take a closer look at these things.

7- Take a closer look at the fossils


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Fossils can tell us so much about the dragon and the place it lived in thousands of years ago. We can tell from the teeth that this dragon was carnivorous, or a meat eater.

The type of rock the fossil is embedded into can also tell us a lot about the lay of the land where Harald found the fossil! This limestone, for example, tells us that this fossil was once at the bottom of a lake.


File:Eret icon.png

What a relief! We won't have to worry about some magic totem. Looks like this shopkeeper has a collection of things on sale other than Harald's trash. I bet it's a load of snake oil medicine, all meant to swindle dragon hunters out of their money. Let's take a quick look at what he has.

8- Look at the other items on sale


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Whoa! I've only seen Sagefruit once before. My mate fed it to a dragon to keep it docile. It makes dragons calm down, even when they're riled up and fighting. He said he got it from Defender of the Wing Island... and that's not a destination any dragon trapper wants to go.

We absolutely need to get that fruit away from these hunters. Talk to that shopkeep [sic] and see if we can negotiate a deal.

9- Purchase a sagefruit from the shifty storekeeper


File:Storekeeper icon.png

You want that odd fruit? Why? You're the first one to even give it a second look. No one wants that odd looking thing, and it doesn't even taste any good. Tell you what, I'll give it to you gratis for being Harald's messenger.

[item: 1 Sagefruit]


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It shouldn't bother me that Harald will be fooling some evil dragon hunter with the Tooth of the Red Death... but it does. Fossils are very interesting things, and Harald is distorting them! I don't like it at all. I wish I could find a way to stop them...

File:Eret icon.png

Cheer up, Skulder. That buffoon didn't know the treasure that was right under his nose. Serves him right.

It seems like this was a very succesful trip, but I think we best be on our way. Let's go back to Berk and talk to Valka.

10- Talk to Valka at Berk


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You mean that Harald Forkbeard is desecrating the remains of the Red Dedath for money? That despicable man! I hope that he reaps every ill fate he sows.

I used to say that Vikings can never change, but you and the rest of Berk have convinced me that we can always set things right in the end. Things like this make me wonder if my original thought was right.

