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File:Bucket icon.png

G-ghost! The bucket on my head has grown two sizes too small! I - I - mercy!

Mulch can explain!

1-Talk to Mulch


File:Mulch icon.png

Good old Bucket can sometimes dream of fanciful things, but this time, I saw it too! I'm so scared! Bucket and I went back to Berk to help set up some Dreadfall activities when we saw it. Heard it.

Bones! Flying through the air! The skies opened up, as if Thor himself were warning us away. We left as soon as possible.

We're both very familiar with Boneknappers, of course. That was where my mind went first when Bucket approached me about this... but no. It wasn't like any Boneknapper I've ever seen. A ghost!

We need to stay away from that accursed place. That place is dead to me! It served us well but now it's dead. can you let Astrid know we won't be able to finish our tasks?

2-Talk to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

Bucket and Mulch are being ridiculous. They think there are ghosts at Berk? After all they've seen and done?

There's no way that it's actually a ghost out there. We'll go there right now and show Bucket there's nothing to be afraid of. Wait - what is it, Fishlegs?

3-Talk to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

I hate to dampen your enthusiasm, Astrid, but you promised me you'd help me seed the race tracks and Flight Club levels for candy! I'd get someone else to do it, but you and Stormfly already know every inch of those tracks!

File:Astrid icon.png

Shoot, I forgot. It's important that Flight Club and racing have candy rewards for Dreadfall! [Your Viking's name], can you talk to Hiccup? Please make sure Hiccup and Bucket go to Berk with you; we need to ease Bucket's illogical worries.

4-Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

I'm glad to help! Bucket, are you ready to head out?

File:Bucket icon.png

I don't like it...

but I go where the chieftain wills. (Please protect me, Thor!)
To old Berk!

5-Go to Berk


File:Hiccup icon.png

It feels so weird walking through these buildings again. Memories are rushing in... but this place doesn't feel the same without all my friends and dragons here with me. Berk really is the people, don't you think?

6-Find Bucket


File:Bucket icon.png

No ghosts yet. Bucket is golden.

I can tell Mulch that the maze is ready to go! People will be able to run through the maze and hunt its secrets to earn a ton of candy! More candy than anyone can ever handle!


File:Hiccup icon.png

Wait. I hear something by the old Great Hall. Meet me there, Vikings!

7-Fly to the old Great Hall in Berk
[A Skrillknapper is there]


File:Hiccup icon.png

Uh oh! She's trying to protect her territory! Come close to me so we can defend each other!

8-Defeat the Dragon Tactics battle First level: Dreadful Bites
This unlocks the Dreadfall Dragon Tactics levels


File:Hiccup icon.png

Whew! Are you doing okey, [your Viking's name]? What a ferocious dragon!

9-Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

I've never seen a dragon like her before. She looked sort of like a Boneknapper, but she looked like she manipulated electric energies like a Skrill. She looked like she could be a hybrid of those two dragons...

Could she have been the reason the Speed Stingers were riled up at Icestorm Island?


File:Bucket icon.png

Boy, am I'm [sic] glad that Mulch and I weren't chased away by a ghost. It was just an undiscovered dragon that no one had ever seen before.

10-Look at something odd over the Berk bay
[A ghost ship pass by]


File:Hiccup icon.png

What. Was. That? I think it was sailing toward the Training Grounds...

Okay. let's not worry about that for now. For now, we should make sure to enjoy the Dreadfall activities that Fishlegs and co have set up for us! Let's get some candies!