Glacier View

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[Your Viking's name], have you seen that glacier that juts out over the water? It's huge! Take [your dragon's name] for a scenic flight and soar over it. It's an awesome view.

1- Fly above the glacier


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Glaciers are large bodies of dense ice. They move like very slow rivers. As a glacier moves, it grinds, crushes, carves, and shapes the land beneath through glacial erosion.

Land on the glacier, [your Viking's name]! The glacier makes a nice lookout spot too.

2- Land on the glacier


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It's hard to imagine a big, sturdy hunk of ice moving beneath your feet, but it is! It moves very slowly and sculpts the land over time.

Not only do glaciers erode the land, they add to it too. Erosion involves removing sediment, but when sediment is added to a land mass, it is called deposition. Glaciers pick up sediment and then deposit it somewhere else.

On this island, a lot of sediment being carried by the glacier ends up in the ocean. Then the ocean currents take it somewhere else, even other islands!

Drift ice also travels with the ocean current. Check out the ice floe by the glacier.

3- Investigate the ice by the glacier


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Individual pieces of ice drifting on the water are called 'floes', but when they are driven together into a mass, it's called 'pack ice'. As explorers, we should always seek out knowledge of the land and the forces of nature. It's the best way to protect yourself while exploring new territory!