Gobber's Wheels of Misfortune

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File:Tuffnut icon.png

Chicken and I are very much hurt! We were parading through Berk to wave to Chicken's many fans when the wheel broke for no reason! Chicken even stubbed a claw. I take thee, [your Viking's name], to be our Viking in shining armor. Can you find the wheel so I can get a refund?

1- Find the remains of the broken wheel

Item: 1 Broken Wheel


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Cracked, you say? I smell a plot to mess with Chicken's image!

Or Gobber's wheel broke really easily. In either case, it is no longer worthy of carrying Chicken's delightful plumage. Return the wheel to Gobber and inform him that we need a replacement posthaste!

2- Give the broken wheel to Gobber


File:Gobber icon.png

Great Thor, don't tell me another one broke! This is the third one today. Heather's knife snapped and Mulch's anchor broke apart too. This can't be a coincidence.

Ol' Gobber tools are the best in the archipelago! I can't stand the thought that I'm doing shoddy work. You're a smart young lasie; can you talk to Heather and figure out what's going on? She's near the Great Hall.

3- Ask Heather about cracks in metal


File:Heather icon.png

I've been trying to solve the problem ever since my knife broke and I think that a dye penetration test will do the job! We coat the metal with a bright dye and draw it to the surface, then we see what shows up. That way we can check for cracks in the metal without breaking it, in a type of experiment known as non-destructive testing.

We need a dye that's easy to spot. A fluorescent dye would be perfect; that way, we can flash a light at it and it'll shine like a Snoggletog tree. Valka has been tending to a Flightmare by her favorite food. The bioluminescent algae give off a glow that is just what we need! Could you gather four pieces of the fluorescent algae in the cave next to the waterfall?

4- Get 4 pieces of fluorescent algae


File:Valka icon.png

Please be careful; this poor darling injured her wing and needs rest. May I ask what you're doing with the algae?

Dear Gobber hasn't changed a bit. His heart is as big as a Leviathan but he's just too hard on himself sometimes. I know you can solve this mystery. You should get back to the Great Hall and get on with your experiment!

5- Find Gobber in the Great Hall


File:Heather icon.png

Great! That should be more than enough dye for our experiment. Gobber and I were busy while you were gone, too. This tray has Tuffnut's wheel, two other wheels from the same batch of metal, and an older wheel.

Metal has a non-porous surface, which means that metal doesn't let liquid or air pass through it. When we pour the dye over the wheel, the liquid won't be able to seep into any of the metal. It can only sink into the cracks! Click on the tray to apply the fluorescent dye.

6- Click on the tray of wheels


File:Heather icon.png

Nicely done! We'll need a moment so the dye can sink into the metal cracks. Liquids are so interesting, don't you think? The dye will look to flow into narrow spaces, like cracks, if they're surrounded by nonporous surfaces. The liquid molecules pull each other along, even going against gravity if they have nowhere else to go! This is called capillary action.

Item: 1 Bottle of Developer


File:Heather icon.png

Now, this is a developer, a substance that will help us see where the dye has gone. It's a fine-grained white powder thats been mixed in water. It will draw our dye to th top of the cracks. Can you click on the tray of wheels to add it?

7- Click on the tray of wheels to add the developer


File:Heather icon.png

Good job! Now, this is where we get to look clever with our luminescent dye. Would you gently click on my girl Windshear to light up that torch?

8- Click on Windshear to shoot the torch


File:Gobber icon.png

Ah ha! The dye's shown all the cracks in the new wheels. So it's the new metal that was causing all the bother, eh? it shouldn't take long to track down and replace all those faulty pieces. What a relief!

Item: 1 Sturdy Old Wheel


File:Gobber icon.png

If I know Tuffnut, he'll still be sulking that his precious chicken didn't get a full parade. Give him this wheel and tell him he can roll his animal to the Edge and back. Gobber's work is back to the highest of standards!

9- Give the sturdy metal wheel to Tuffnut


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Fie! Chicken isn't beholden to a dirty old wheel but she is happy to have her wheelbarrow up and running again. Hence from this day on, she forgives Gobber for his transgression and dubs thee [your Viking's name] of the Coop's Guard. Arise, and go forth to your next adventure.