Hidden World!

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[Note: the first time you enter the School ground after update 3.0, you will see the following animation: Harald leaves a mysterious chest on the dock pillar at the school, while Hiccup and Astrid try to chase him away. The chest explode, making the pillar crash down, and crumbles the lake bottom, creating a huge chasm - this is now the new School landscape]


File:Headmaster icon.png

How could this happen to our home? How did Harald do this? We need to figure out the extent of the damage to our home. Can you talk to Astrid and figure out our next move?

1-Talk to Astrid about the chasm


File:Astrid icon.png

I can't believe Stormheart's forces were able to sneak into the school.

I should have stopped this. This is my fault.

I've sent word to our chief, but he's busy right now trying to find a path to a new home away from berk. I want to have all the facts ready by the time he arrives. I'm going to rely on you, [your Viking's name]! Can you talk to Heather and find out what she knows?

2-Talk to Heather


File:Heather icon.png

I think that the cavern must have been hidden under the lake the whole time, and Harald's device just managed to crack open the entrance. Still, it's incredible that a manmade device was able to do so much damage to our home.

The fact is that humans are able to change the world around us to suit our needs. Through farming, we Vikings change the Earth's geosphere. Through irrigation, we change the Earth's hydrosphere. Likewise, we change the atmosphere (the air itself) and the biosphere of the world through deforestation and overfishing.

Harald's explosion was an.. extreme example of altering our environment.

As the environment shifts, the ecosystem around the area must also change or perish. Organisms can flee to more hospitable locations or adapt over time to the changes.

Snotlout has been investigating the cavern to find anything about the space below us. Will you please find him and talk to him? Maybe he's learned something new.

3-Talk to Snotlout


File:Snotlout icon.png

It's weird. Listen. I've seen one or two or fifty explosions in my day, as would anyone living near the Thornston twins. I've never seen an explosion leave such a giant hole.

If I had to guess, Harald's device must have shattered the ceiling of the cavern. With all that space below us, the lake water probably just drained down. I bet if we go down there, we're going to find a whole host of crazy monsters. And we were all so clueless of the danger just below us! We're doomed, I tell you.

Astrid won't listen to my sage advice. Can you find her and talk some sense into that thick head?

4-Find Astrid near the chasm

[animation: the Light Fury fly our of the cave]


File:Astrid icon.png

It's... wow.

She's beautiful.

This is the Light Fury that Hiccup, Toothless and I met earlier. She was skittish around us then. I wonder if being with Toothless calmed her down.
Can you see if you can get closer to her without her bolting?

5-Get closer to the Light Fury

File:Light fury cycle.gif
The Light Fury flying in circles

File:Astrid icon.png

Let's take this slow. I don't think she wants us to enter that cave, so let's think of something else. The real question is: why doesn't she want us down there?