Into the Labyrinth

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File:Archaeologist icon.png

This is what I live for, my friend! I can't waste time worrying about little things like danger and death when there are ancient civilizations to explore. We should make sure the Krayfin is happy before I get distracted; I warn you, I will get distracted. Click on the dragon!

1-Click on the baby Krayfin and follow him


File:Archaeologist icon.png

It seems that we must solve this interesting contraption to progress into the building.

File:Mala icon.png

Many of the gears have arrows on them that show which direction they turn. Any gears that are connected to them will move in the opposite direction. You must keep that in mind as you click on the device and finish the trial.

2-Click on the device and solve it


File:Mala icon.png

The gears are moving the wall! I am sure we can find the exit if we can solve the rest of the devices.

A series of gears connected together is called a 'gear train'. The gear that we are turning is called the 'driver' and the last gear we want to move is called the 'driven' gear. If there are any gears between thos two, they are called 'idlers'.

Click on the device and solve it!

3-Click on the device and solve it


File:Mala icon.png

Smaller gears take less force to turn, but they also turn faster. So, if we connect small gears to a larger gear, the small gears will generate a lot of energy as they turn! Click on the device and let's keep this wall moving!

4-Click on the device and solve it

Video that plays after solving the above puzzle

File:Archaeologist icon.png

Did you hear that? Something must have moved outside! No, Skulder, eyes on the prize... you need to worry about that later.

Do you see that? That looks rather fresh. What do you think they could be?

5-Examine the wall


File:Phlegma icon.png

They're strange burn marks. Dragon flames tend to hit their target as one mass, but this one feels like it was lashed on. We may be dealing with something wholly new, a sensation I am starting to get used to on Impossible Island.

File:! icon.png

Does the baby leviathan look well? You should click on the dragon and check up on him.

6-Click on the leviathan


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Ah! Our little friend must be looking for something further inside this building. Forward, my friends!

7-Go with the Krayfin to the next room


File:Archaeologist icon.png

A new challenge! From how you conquered the last room, I am confident this will be no problem.