Journey into Peril

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"The true measure of a Viking is what one does when one has one's back against the wall. Looking for one such adventurer who's ready to put one's life on the line. (Is this ad too much? Nope... nailed it.)" - Tuffnut

1-Talk to Tuffnut at New Berk


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I don't care what the others think. The Night Lights aren't going to learn anything if they stick around this boring place and play nice with other babies. We're talking about sons and daughters of the alpha! We need to teach them how to survive in danger from a young age.

That's where you and I come in, my friend.

We gotta get out of here before anyone (and Hiccup in particular) recognize what we're doing. I'll be able to get out there with this little guy in tow. meet you at the most dangerous land in this area - the home of the Death Song!

2-Go to Melody Island


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Good, good. Everything is going according to plan.

I don't know where the Snoggletog toy went; I put blindfolds on me and both Barf and Belch's heads and then we flew over the island and threw the item down at random.

It could really be anywhere. The Night Light seems like a pretty good hunter to me; wherever that toy is, you'll find the Night Light!

3-Find the missing toy


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The Night Light really doesn't look like he understands the danger he's in. The Death Song is an incredibly dangerous dragon... you should tap on the Night Light and lead him out of there towards Tuffnut.

4-Tap on the Night Light and lead him away from the Death Song


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You made it?


To be entirely honest? I didn't know if you'd get out of there in one piece. Toothless would have eaten me alive if I'd let his baby get hurt.

Inhale, exhale... come talk to me, [your Viking's name].

5-Talk to Tuffnut


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You know what? All's well that ends well! The Night Lights will appreciate my tough love when they grow up. With my help, they'll become the strongest dragons in the world!

We can't stop now. We gotta keep never stopping!