Learn to Farm

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Hello, [your Viking's name]! I'm Phlegma the Fierce, the Botanist of the school. I'm the expert on the living world and I make sure our dragons have enough to eat. I'll show you how to farm your own crops and raise animals. The entrance to your farm is next to my greenhouse. Go inside!

1- Enter the Farm


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Once you get the hang of it, you can keep farming to unlock more cool plants and animals! Keep on going until you unlock the sheep, then give me a spool of wool to prove your farm is doing well!

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Your farm is doing great! I think you're ready to take care of a few farm animals.
I gave you a sheep pen. Go to Build Mode and place the sheep pen in your farm!

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You need to fill this pen with sheep! I gave you one sheep. To add it, tap on the pen.

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Animals like to eat their favorite foods, and you can buy some from the store. I gave you some sheep food for your animal! Click on your sheep and feed it now.

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Animals grow like crops, so keep an eye out to see if they're ready to be sheared. You can also buy more animals from the store. Tap on the Store now to check them out and improve your farm!

2- Harvest 1 spool of wool and give to Phlegma


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Great job, [your Viking's name]! I'm proud of your progress. You'll become an Ultimate Dragon Trainer in no time!