Mission Start!

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File:Valka icon.png

If I understand Skulder correctly, the Green Death's nest is blocking the pressure from the magma and causing sulfuric gas to come out of the underwater vents. I am glad that your plan will not harm the Green Death or her nest.

Would you keep a lookout from that hill to see if the dragon leaves?

1- Look for the Green Death

[animation of the Green Death leaving the volcano]


File:Valka icon.png

There! If she's gone to feed, we won't have much time to waste. Please let my son know that our window of opportunity is open.

2- Talk to Hiccup to start the operation


File:Hiccup icon.png

Great! I saw the Green Death leave, too. Let's get started!

[animation of Whispering Deaths burrowing through the volcano walls]


File:Hiccup icon.png

Okay! Skulder and I plotted out the paths these Whispering Deaths will need to take, but we can only keep the dragons on pace with both me and my mother wrangling them. You'll need to meet us from the other side, from inside the volcano.

Meet up with Astrid to go inside the volcano. Good luck, [your Viking's name]... but I hope you won't need it!

3- Talk to Astrid by the entrance of the volcano


File:Astrid icon.png

Hiccup gave us the most important part of the mission, I know we can do it!
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Now that you're going into the volcano, you don't need poor old Harald to go with you. I've helped as much as I can!

File:Astrid icon.png

Nope. There's no way we're going to let you wander about without one of us by your side. You can trust me and [your Viking's name]. We'll keep you safe. Besides, we might need your help since you've been inside the volcan before. Let's go!

4- Enter the volcano


File:Astrid icon.png

I'll keep an eye on this guy while we go deeper into the volcano. Click on him and lead us down the tunnel.

5- Tap on Harald and lead them into the volcano

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

You dragon riders always take me to the most interesting places.

File:Astrid icon.png

The air above the volcano is too hot for normal dragons, but this is the Eruptodon's natural habitat. It should be able to shield the heat from you. Click on the Eruptodon and mount it!

6- Mount the Eruptodon


File:Astrid icon.png

You're on your own from here, [your Viking's name], but I believe in you. Hiccup is guiding thise Whispering Deaths to make tunnels that meet these areas near the magma. Fly around and look for places where the rock wall is getting weak.

Use the Eruptodon's fireballs to blast open any weak spots that you find!

7- Break open lava tunnels with fireballs (6)


File:Astrid icon.png

That should do it! Mission accomplished.

We don't have another chance like this with the Green Death away from the volcano. Can you pick up the stolen orb before she comes back?

8- Pick up Harald's stolen orb

[animation of the Green Death coming back into the volcano]


File:Astrid icon.png

Uh oh. I think the Green Death has had enough of us near her nest. We need to get out of here!

Harald is gone and he took my compass! That thief was just waiting for a distraction to bolt for it! Ugh, if I could... no, getting you to safety is priority number one. Fly up here away from the magma and bring me that orb!

9- Give the orb to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

Wait a second... this looks like it could be a dragon egg of some sort! Just look at how the--

Sorry, I just slipped into my inner Fishlegs there. We need to get out of here, right away!

This egg is shining right into my eyes, I'm going to have to be careful. Click on me and stay close. Let's get out of the tunnel before the Green Death catches us!

10- Tap on Astrid and follow her through the tunnel

[the following dialogue will appear as you walk behind Astrid]


File:Astrid icon.png

Stay quiet, we don't want her to hear us.

Maybe she will fry Harald and let us be.

That slime grabbed my compass. What does he expect to do with it?

After all, he doesn't have a ship. Well, unless he lied, again.

Hey, something's different ahead...


File:Astrid icon.png

Wait a second. What's this?

That dirty rat had a secret exit ready all along! If we hurry maybe we can catch up to him!

11- Go through Harald's secret passageway

[animation of Harald sailing, and the Green Death blocking him]


File:Astrid icon.png

Ah! This couldn't have happened to a more deserving pirate.

File:Hiccup icon.png

This is not a good time for jokes, Astrid! [Your Viking's name], try to get the Green Death's attention away from Harald or he might be in some big trouble! Hit the Green Death with some fireballs.

12- Distract the Green Death (3)

[animation of the Green Death flying to nearby rocks]


File:Valka icon.png

Maybe we can calm her down! If we used the Sagefruit to--

File:Hiccup icon.png

No, the Sagefruit won't work! I've seen this behavior with the Red Death before. We need to fix the Green Death's attention on something or we won't be able to stop her rampage.

Toothless, do you think you could try to persuade our giant friend here? [Your Viking's name], help Toothless focus by clicking on him!

13- Tap on Toothless

[animation on Toothless flying in front of the Green Death and showing alpha glow]


File:Valka icon.png

The alpha is the king of dragons. He protects his own!

File:Hiccup icon.png

Good job, bud. I think that might have done the trick. We'll need to get a bit closer-- carefully-- to see if the Green Death is truly calm.

14- Get closer to the Green Death


File:Astrid icon.png

Wait, look out!

[Animation of Harald shooting the Green Death, and the dragon flying above the clouds]


File:Hiccup icon.png

Not good, not good! Everyone get to cover! [Your Viking's name], Toothless and I need to keep everyone safe down here. I need to rely on you to fly up to the green Death and calm her down. You can do it!

Fly straight, avoid those fireballs, and bring that dragon back down!

15- Avoid the fireballs and fly up to the Green Death


File:! icon.png

You need to get close to see if you can help. You should jump on the Green Death's back.

16- Jump onto the Green Death's back


File:! icon.png

The Green Death was angered by Harald's attack for good reason. The mast is piercing her neck. You should chop that mast to pieces and remove the thorn from the Green Death's neck.

17- Chop the mast from the dragon's neck


File:Valka icon.png

Did it work? Is it safe?

[animation of the Green Death going back inside the volcano]


File:Hiccup icon.png

You did it! That was amazing! I need to catch my breath. We couldn't see you because of the clouds-- well, and the "dodging fireballs for our lives"" thing. Come tell me what you did up there!

18- Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

Wow. You did some quick thinking on the spot. You really stepped up when I needed you. Amazing job. Amazing!
