Prepare For the Worst

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File:Dagur icon.png

Listen, I used to think Hiccup was my enemy, and I got incensed every time he did one oh his noble-yet-terribly-inconvenient-to-Dagur things. Stormheart and I are cut from the same cloth. In fact, I would bet all the axes on Berserker Island that she's on her way here right now. It doesn't matter that it was a mistake.

Hiccup has one of his fancy telescopes here, right? Click on the telescope and scan our horizon for our enemies.

1- Click on the telescope at the top of Dragon's Edge



File:Dagur icon.png

Ha! I knew it. I would have done the same thing; hey, I did this to Hiccup back in the day.

File:Astrid icon.png

Now is not the time, Dagur! We need to deal with this angry Triple Stryke before we can even think about Stormheart.

[Your Viking's name], it's time to turn on the noise makers we installed all around Dragon's Edge and we'll free her from the Grimora. Click on each of the devices and stay clear of the Triple Stryke. Dagur and I will distract her until they're on. Go!

2- Click on the lever and activate the invention (3)


File:Dagur icon.png

Whoa Astrid, it's working! You and Hiccup always blow me away; you're geniuses, really.

File:Fishlegs icon.png

Astrid, I've brought the buckets of salt water from the harbor like we planned. [Your Viking's name], click on the buckets and splash the Triple Stryke. That should make all the Grimora flee in terror!

3- Click on the buckets of sea water



File:Fishlegs icon.png

Ah, that didn't work, that didn't work... Why didn't that work, Hiccup?

File:Hiccup icon.png

I don't know either, Fishlegs, but we're going to have to figure it out later. Her statue sprayed something into the air, and it's no accident that these wild dragons landed here. She's up to something!

[Your Viking's name], can you shoo these dragons away from here? I think Dragon's Edge is about to turn into a battlefield and we don't want these guys to get hurt. Click on the Deadly Nadder and shoo him away!

4- Get close to the wild Deadly Nadder and click him



File:Astrid icon.png

Oh no, Oh no! I think the Grimora latched on to all of the wild dragons. They're going to go berserk at any moment!

File:Dagur icon.png

Let me step in here: going berserk is my specialty! If we can't free them from this Grimora venom, we need to drive them away. Axe out, [your Viking's name] - let's scare these dragons away from our base!

5- Defeat the Dragon Tactics Battle [Level 3: Edge-Defense]


File:Dagur icon.png

Yes! You're my favorite combat partner!

File:Astrid icon.png

Great job. Fishlegs and the twins are chasing those dragons with buckets of salt water and it seems to be working to free them from the Grimora. That's a relief... but why didn't it work on the Triple Stryke?

We need to figure out what Stormheart did to the dragon and why her 'gift' made the dragon attack it! Can you take a closer look?

6- Get a closer look at Stormheart's gift

File:Stormheart gift.png
Stormheart's Gift

File:Astrid icon.png

Oh for Odin's sake! Stormheart hid a Triple Stryke egg in her 'gift'. No wonder the Triple Stryke was so desperate to break it open. She just wanted to save her egg...

File:Hiccup icon.png

That's despicable. this statue was a setup from the very beginning; I can't forgive her using these dragons without any regard to their lives. We need to stop her.

Maybe we can find something - anything - that will help us find out how she's poisoning the Triple Stryke. Can you help me search this debris for any clues?

7- Find a clue to help figure out what happened


File:Hiccup icon.png

Good find! That slimy stuff must be her saliva. She must have been biting hard on it as she ripped it apart. That gives me an idea...

I think we might be able to find something in that saliva. I've been cooking up a new invention with Heather that might give us some answers. Can you go to the School and give the piece to Heather?

8- Give the broken shard to Heather at the School


File:Heather icon.png

Wow! Hiccup wants to try out our newest project already? Well, I'm always for experimenting. I'm sure we can make it work together, [your Viking's name]!