Respect Your Elders!

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"There's not a place where I would rather be than by Cloudjumper's side. I think it's high time that he gets the recognition he deserves for all his hard work in protecting and guiding the little dragons for us. Please meet us at the Lookout if you feel the same." - Valka

1-Talk Valka at the Lookout


File:Valka icon.png

I believe Cloudjumper wanted to give the Alpha and the Light Fury some time away from their children. It's been a great few hours watching over the... enthusiastic little ones! They never seem to run out of energy.

Speaking of the Night Lights...

[animation of Cloudjumper scaring away the Night Lights]


File:Valka icon.png

Oh dear!

Cloudjumper has been an understanding champ about the whole ordeal. He deserves a reward!

My dear friend enjoys snacking on berries, though he is too big to grab them from the bushes. Will you look around the Lookout and gather berries for Cloudjumper?

2-Gather berries in the bushes (18)


File:Valka icon.png

Cloudjumper is a dignified elder dragon, and he doesn't get a chance to let his hair down (figuratively, of course). It's tough always being the responsible one in the room. That's why I think it's imperative that he gets to relax and have some fun as well.

Will you find the bundles of dragon nip around the Lookout? He may not seem the type, but he'd enjoy that very much.

3-Find bundles of dragon nip


File:Valka icon.png

Wonderful! That looks like a gift basket that our dear old friend would enjoy. Please give the dragon nip and the berries to Cloudjumper by the farm.

4-Give the items to Cloudjumper


File:Valka icon.png

It doesn't matter how old you get or how many responsabilities begin to pile on your shoulders. As long as you keep joy in your heart, you can have fun and enjoy yourself!

Thank you for your work to make Cloudjumper feel appreciated, [your Viking's name]. Happy Snoggletog!