Say No to Dragon Hunting

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"We can't ever let our guard down, can we? While we're celebrating Dreadfall, the Dragon Hunters are starting an offensive into the archipelago. Let's show them they're not welocme." - Eret

1-Talk Eret


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If these Dragon Hunters think they can sneak in under our very noses, they have another think coming. You and I will knock them right back down on their rumps!

The good news, my friend, is that they're getting desperate. They're stashing their weapons and hunting tools on Melody Island. They must not have better options if they're willing to brave the wrath of the terrible Death Song!

I'll meet you there, [your Viking's name].

2-Go to Death Song Island


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Even the air feels eerie here. We shouldn't dawdle... the Death Song won't be very kind to us, either.

Those weapon caches should be stashed somewhere on this island, if my intel is correct. Keep your head down, stay quiet, and look for the Dragon Hunter filth, mate.

3-Look for Dragon Hunter weapon caches

[the position of the cache can vary]


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Great eye!

What a load of bunk, I'd say burn it all to the ground but that might set off the Death Song... so we have to do this the old fashioned way. Why don't you get close and chop the thing into bits?

4-Destroy the cache


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That's how we do it in Berk!

Hmm. We've been on the island for a minute now and no sign of the Death Song. She's a mighty territorial dragon, and (though her appearance would be very dangerous for us!) it's surprising she hasn't stopped by. What if the Dragon Hunters managed to capture her?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but... let's go find her.

5-Look for the Death Song

[the position of the Death Song can vary - you are supposed to activate her attack to trigger the following dialogue]


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Okay! Okay! She's fine! She's more than fine! Let's back on out of here and get back to New berk before she hypnotizes our dragons!

6-Get back to New Berk


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Great job partner! I'll keep an eye out for more Dragon Hunters. With the two of us working together to guard the archipelago? Those villains won't have a hole to hid in.