Shipwreck Lane

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File:Astrid icon.png

So now we know what to do to make Berk safe. We need the Death Song Dragon Eye lens so that we can figure out how to defeat it. It could be anywhere... so it's time for all hands on deck! We'll check all the surrounding islands to see if we can find the lens.

We found the Dragon Eye in the Ship Graveyard. We didn't see lenses while we were there, but maybe we may have missed something. I need you to check it out. You can fly out to sea and you'll find the way to the Ship Graveyard.

1- Visit the Ship Graveyard


File:! icon.png

This scene of dead ships and whistling wind is quite eerie.

It's a wonder that Johann would hide his treasures in this place.

2- Check the sea stacks for the Dragon Eye Lens


File:! icon.png

The lens isn't here.

3- Check the tide pools for the Dragon Eye Lens


File:! icon.png

The lens isn't here.

4- Check the ships for the Dragon Eye Lens


File:! icon.png

The lens isn't here.

There is someone flying in the distance. You should investigate further.

5- Talk to the Rogue Dragon Rider

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! Thank Thor you're here. I need your help!

I need to get into the ship but those giant eels are keeping my Razorwhip at bay. Blast those eels so we can get to the ship, please! We need to get inside the ship!

6- Shoot eels from the ship (3)

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png


I could use your help within the ship, too. Let's go inside!

7- Enter the ship

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

The thing we need is at the heart of the ship. I know the way, but I want to take the rear and keep an eye out for any dangers that might follow us. Will you tap on me and lead us down the corridors?

8- Escort the Rogue Dragon Rider to the heart of the ship

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

The Razorwhip eggs are in that room...

have you ever met a dragon llike mine before? She's called a Razorwhip. They're pretty rare in the dragon world, and I'm the only one who's trained one before. They don't give their trust easily.

The Razorwhip had a nest near Berk, but I moved them here when the Death Song attacked the island. I didn't realized that this ship was infested with giant eels. We need to get them someplace safe! Will you grab one of those eggs? Be very gentle with them.

9- Grab a dragon egg

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

Oh no! The eels must be wrecking this ship to get at the eggs. We need to get out of here before the ship sinks! Quick, tap on me and I'll lead the way out of here. Stay close!

10- Follow the Rogue Dragon Trainersic

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

Up the hatch, quickly!

[you are teleported outside the ship. The ship sinks]

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

Wow, we got these eggs out just in the nick of time. I'm glad we make such a great team because I never could have done it without you.

My Razorwhip Windshear seems to be glad to know you risked your life to save the egg. Why don't you keep the egg and make sure to train it to be a good dragon? I trust you to do a good job.

I'm sorry, but I still can't tell you my secret identity. Innocent people would be hurt if my secret was revealed to the world, and I don't want that to happen. I hope I've proven that you can trust me.

[item: 1 Razorwhip Egg]


File:! icon.png

Astrid should know what happened at the Ship Graveyard.

You should tallk to her in Berk.

11- Go back to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

Wow, that sounds like quite an adventure! I'm glad you were able to save the dragon eggs, and I'm sure you'll do an excellent job raising that Razorwhip.

It's a shame the Dragon Eye lens wasn't there...
