Stable Missions List/Slot 4/Dreadfall

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Dreadfall Event Special Stable Missions introduced for the Dreadfall Event.

Mission Name/Difficulty Requirements Success Odds Suggested dragons Prize Duration
Adventure gone wrong!


While exploring a spooky cave to celebrate Dreadfall, a cave in occurred and trapped some vikings inside!

File:Stable mission type rescue.png

Tip: Dragons must know how their way around a cave!

S2 Rock.png

Age: any

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl. 30+: +10%

Titan: +15%

Tracker: +10%

Rock: +10%

20%: Deadly Nadder, Mudraker, Rumblehorn, Catastrophic Quaken, Eruptodon, Hotburple, Sand Wraith, Snafflefang, Ridgesnipper 540 Coins

1080 Dragon Bonding XP

125 UDT Points

40 Candy

12 hours
All webbed up!


Berk awoke to find the town covered in thick spiderwebs, go and cut them all down!

File:Stable mission type rescue.png

Tip: Dragons need to slice their way through the webs

S2 Focus.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 2

Starting odds: 5%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl. 50: +10%

Titan: +10%

Sharp: +10%

Focus: +10%

30%: Scuttleclaw

20%: Devilish Dervish, Grim Gnasher, Prickleboggle, Raincutter, Razorwhip, Shivertooth, Speed Stinger, Stormcutter, Timberjack, Deathly Galeslash, Armor Wing, Hobblegrunt, Monstrous Nightmare, Night Fury, Rumblehorn, Silver Phantom, Terrible Terror, Pouncer, Abomibumble

1300 Coins

2160 Dragon Bonding XP

175 UDT Points

125 Candy

48 hours
Build the Maze


Astrid needs your help to cut a path in the corn field to build a maze

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Pick your sharpest Dragons to help out!

S2 Razor.png

Age: Teen, Adult, Titan

Party size: 2

Starting odds: 5%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl. 40: +10%

Sharp: +10%

Razor: +20%

40%: Devilish Dervish, Grim Gnasher, Razorwhip, Timberjack

30%: Buffalord, Crimson Goregutter, Deadly Nadder, Thunderpede

20%: Prickleboggle, Raincutter, Scuttleclaw, Shivertooth, Speed Stinger, Stormcutter, Deathly Galeslash, ,

835 Coins

1225 Dragon Bonding XP

155 UDT Points

70 Candy

16 hours
Craft Run


The children of berk ran out of supplies to make their dreadfall costumes, help them out!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: An adult is needed to carry the supplies!

S2 Agile.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl. 30+: +5%

Titan: +10%

Agile: +10%

20%: Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Raincutter, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter, Windwalker, Dart, Deathly Galeslash 110 Coins

215 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

5 Candy

1 hour and a half
Disappearing Candy


A big supply of dreadfall candy has gone missing! Investigate the disappearance!

File:Stable mission type explore.png

Tip:Focused dragons must investigate the mystery!

S2 Focus.png

Age: Teen, Adult, Titan

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl. 3+: +5%

Titan: +10%

Mystery: +5%

Focus: +10%

30%: Armor Wing

25%: Hobblegrunt, Monstrous Nightmare, Night Fury, Rumblehorn, Scuttleclaw, Silver Phantom, Terrible Terror, Pouncer, Abomibumble

20%: Boneknapper, Buffalord, Changewing, Death Song, Dramillion, Dreadstrider, Flightmare, Hideous Zippleback, Hobgobbler, Slithersong, Smothering Smokebreath, Snaptrapper

110 Coins

216 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

5 Candy

1 hour 30 minutes
Dreadfall Décor


Hiccup needs help putting up decorations around berk!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Help Hiccup hang decorations quickly!

S1 Speed.png

Age: Teen, Adult, Titan

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl. 30+: +10%

Speed: +10%

Agile: +5%

25%: Windwalker, Deathly Galeslash

20%: Deadly Nadder, Flightmare, Grim Gnasher, Shivertooth, Shockjaw, Silver Phantom, Singetail, Sliquifier, Slithersong, Speed Stinger, Tide Glider

15%: Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Raincutter, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter, Dart

360 Coins

720 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

15 Candy

8 hours
Dreadfall Parade


The Dreadfall parade could use some extra pizzaz. Dragons could add some smoke to help it out

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Dragons need to hide and make it spooky with tons of smoke!

S2 Gas.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Skill: Gas

Party size: 2

Starting odds: 1%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl. 45+: +10%

Titan: +10%

Camouflage: +15%

Gas: +4%

29%: Sweet Death

25%: Changewing, Dramillion, Fire Terror, Hobblegrunt, Light Fury, Night Terror, Prickleboggle, Sand Wraith, Snow Wraith, Dart, Ruffrunner, Pouncer

14%: Hideous Zippleback, Snaptrapper, Ghastly Zapplejack

1300 Coins

2160 Dragon Bonding XP

175 UDT Points

125 Candy

48 hours
Haunted House


Snotlout needs some dragons to scare the patrons of his haunted house!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: To truly be scary, dragons need to seem wild!

S2 Wild.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 15%

Lvl. 30+: +10%

Titan: +10%

Wild: +12%

27%: Dramillion, Fire Terror, Flame Whipper, Moldruffle, Screaming Death, Shovelhelm, Singetail, Typhoomerang, Whispering Death, Ruffrunner 360 Coins

720 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

15 Candy

8 hours
Lightning Off the Coast


A weird green lightning has been striking off the coast of berk all night. Take some Dragons to go find the source of it!

File:Stable mission type search.png

Tip: Electric Dragons have a sense about these kind of things…

S2 Electric.png

Age: Teen, Adult, Titan

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 5%

Any dragon: 10%

Tidal: +10%

Electric: +10%

30%: Shockjaw

20%: Sand Wraith, Scauldron, Sliquifier, Thunderdrum, Tide Glider, Windwalker, Grapple Grounder, Skrill, Skrillknapper

540 Coins

1080 Dragon Bonding XP

125 UDT Points

40 Candy

12 hours
Pirate Plunder


Tons of Dreadfall candy was being shipped in on a boat, but that boat was taken over by hunters! Take back the boat!

File:Stable mission type evil viking.png

Tip: Your Dragon might need to sneak up to the ship and surprise them!

S2 Sonic.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 5%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl. 35+: +10%

Sonic: +10%

Camouflage: +10%

20%: Boneknapper, Mudraker, Sentinel, Thunderdrum, Changewing, Dramillion, Fire Terror, Hobblegrunt, Light Fury, Night Terror, Prickleboggle, Sand Wraith, Snow Wraith, Sweet Death, Dart, Ruffrunner, Pouncer 770 Coins

1200 Dragon Bonding XP

150 UDT Points

65 Candy

16 hours
Pumpkin Lighting


Dragon hunters have put out all the jack-o-lanterns! Help light them back up!

File:Stable mission type evil viking.png

Tip: These dragons need to focus their fire at the pumpkins!

S2 Focus.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 5%

Any dragon: 15%

Lvl. 30+: +10%

Titan: +10%

Focus: +10%


25%: Armor Wing, Hobblegrunt, Monstrous Nightmare, Night Fury, Rumblehorn, Scuttleclaw, Silver Phantom, Terrible Terror, Pouncer, Abomibumble 360 Coins

720 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

15 Candy

8 hours
Pumpkin Patch


Find the baby dragons who got lost in the pumpkin patch!

File:Stable mission type rescue.png

Tip: Bring Dragons that can search!

S2 Healer.png

Age: Teen, Adult, Titan

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Titan: +5%

Lvl.30+: +5%

Tracker: +5%

Healer: +10%

20%: Fireworm Queen, Prickleboggle, Tide Glider

15%: Deadly Nadder, Mudraker, Rumblehorn

110 Coins

215 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

5 Candy

1 hour 30 minutes
Pumpkin Toss


he annual Dreadfall pumpkin toss is starting! Pick your strongest dragon and see if they can win!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Your Dragon must use a burst of energy to throw the pumpkin!

S2 Agile.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 1

Starting odds: 5%

Any dragon: 20%

Lvl. 40+: +5%

Titan: +10%

Agile: +15%

Burst: +10%

45%: Raincutter

35%: Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter, Windwalker, Dart, Deathly Galeslash

30%: Dreadstrider, Flame Whipper, Grapple Grounder, Hideous Zippleback, Scauldron, Screaming Death, Snafflefang, Terrible Terror, Thunderdrum, Thunderpede, Woolly Howl

900 Coins

1250 Dragon Bonding XP

160 UDT Points

75 Candy

16 hours
The Flightmares are acting weird!

The night before Dreadfall, all the Flightmares in Berk began acting odd… Go investigate what's going on! File:Stable mission type explore.png

Tip: Similar dragons to flightmare will understand the problem

S2 Paralysis.png

Age: any

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Titan: +10%

Paralysis: +10%

Speed: +10%

30%: Flightmare, Slithersong, Speed Stinger

20%: Deadly Nadder, Grim Gnasher, Shivertooth, Shockjaw, Silver Phantom, Singetail, Sliquifier, Tide Glider, Windwalker, Deathly Galeslash,

Death Song, Dreadstrider



540 Coins

1080 Dragon Bonding XP

125 UDT Points

40 Candy

12 hours
Trick or Trick


Hunters have hidden around berk to try and scare children on Dreadfall! Try to track them down!

File:Stable mission type search.png

Tip: It must be done with the utmost efficiency to save dreadfall!

S2 Agile.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 2

Starting odds: 2%

Any dragon: 7%

Lvl. 45+: +10%

Titan: +10%

Speed: +10%

Agile: +10%

27%: Windwalker, Deathly Galeslash

17%: Deadly Nadder, Flightmare, Grim Gnasher, Shivertooth, Shockjaw, Silver Phantom, Singetail, Sliquifier, Slithersong, Speed Stinger, Tide Glider, Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Raincutter, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter, Dart

1300 Coins

2160 Dragon Bonding XP

175 UDT Points

125 Candy

48 hours

Baby Quaken Rescue!

Oh no! There are baby Catastrophic Quaken lost in the maze. Send dragons to find them.

File:Stable mission type rescue.png

Tip: Baby dragons like familiar dragons best.

S2 Rock.png

Age: Teen, Adult, Titan

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Armor: +10%

Agile: +10%

Boulder: +10%

Lvl.10+: +10%

Lvl.20+: +15%

Lvl.30+: +20%

50%: Gronckle

40%: Groncicle, Hotburple

30%: C.Quaken, Crimson Goregutter, Eruptodon, Grapple Grounder, Sc.Death, Sentinel, Shovelhelm, Snafflefang, Thunderpede, W.Death, Armor Wing, Boneknapper, Deathgripper, Moldruffle, Razorwhip, Rumblehorn, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Raincutter, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter, Windwalker

700 Coins

1296 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

75 Candy

24 hours
Candy Corn Shortage


We're running short on candy corn. Who'd have thunk [sic] it? We need to bake some more!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Particularly 'hotheaded' dragons could really help out here.

S2 Focus.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Class: Stocker

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 0%

Any dragon: 10%

Titan: +10%

Adult: +5%

Focus: +5%

Stoker: +10%

Aura: +5%

35%: M.Nightmare

30%: Abomibumble, F.Queen, Hobblegrunt, Silver Phantom, Terrible Terror, Typhoomerang

25%: Fire Terror, Flame Whipper, Moldruffle, Night Terror, Singetail

Other dragons: INVALID

920 Coins

1440 Dragon Bonding XP

150 UDT Points

75 Candy

24 hours
Defending the Coast


There are reports of Dragon Hunters on the coast of Berk. Send some dragons to scare them off.

File:Stable mission type evil viking.png

Tip:Dragon Hunters are known to be afraid of Gas.

S2 Gas.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl.30+: +10%

Aura: +10%

Gas: +15%

Camouflage: +10%

35%: Snaptrapper, Sweet Death

25%: G.Zapplejack, H.Zippleback

20%: D.Dervish, Eruptodon, Fireworm Queen, M.Nightmare, Skrill, S.Smokebreath, Typhoomerang, Changewing, Dramillion, Fire Terror, Hobblegrunt, Light Fury, Night Light, Night Terror, Prickleboggle, Sand Wraith, Snow Wraith

700 Coins

1296 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

75 Candy

24 hours

Emergency Healing

We found an injured Titan Boneknapper. Please send aid!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Send Wing dragons that can help injured allies

S2 Healer.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 2

Starting odds: 0%

Any dragon: 5%

Lvl.10+: +10%

Lvl.20+: +15%

Lvl.30+: +20%

Healer: +20%

35%: Fireworm Queen, Prickleboggle, Tide Glider 1300 Coins

2160 Dragon Bonding XP

150 UDT Points

150 Candy

48 hours
Ghastly Sounds


Fishlegs heard strange noises from the Ship Graveyard. We need fearless dragons for an investigation!

File:Stable mission type search.png

Tip: Trackers are good at hearing.

S2 Sonic.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Tracker: +15%

Armor: +10%

Focus: +10%

Sonic: +10%

Lvl.10+: +5%

Lvl.20+: +10%

50%: Rumblehorn

40%: Mudraker

35%: Abomibumble, Armorwing, Boneknapper

30%: D.Nadder

25%: Deathgripper, Groncicle, Gronckle, Hotburple, Moldruffle, Razorwhip, Sentinel, Thunderdrum, Hobblegrunt, M.Nightmare, Toothless, Scuttleclaw, Silver Phantom, Skrillknapper, Terrible Terror, Pouncer, Ridgesnipper

130 Coins

252 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

7 Candy

2 hours
Ghost Ship??


Rumor has it that there is a ghost ship in the Ship Graveyard. Could it be true?

File:Stable mission type explore.png

Tip: We should consider dragons that are good at finding things.

S2 Focus.png

Age: Teen, Adult, Titan

Class: Tracker

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Adult: +5%

Titan: +10%

Lvl.20+: +5%

Focus: +10%

25%: Rumblehorn

15%: D.Nadder, Mudraker

Other dragons: INVALID

540 Coins

1080 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

35 Candy

12 hours

Gloom Levels: High!

Tuffnut and Ruffnut think New Berk is getting too sad. Perhaps some good old fashioned dragon pranking can solve that!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Consider dragons that are harder to spot.

S1 Camouflage.png

Age: Teen, Adult, Titan

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Camouflage: +15%

Gas: +10%

Wild: +10%

Agile: +10%

35%: Sweet Death, Dramillion, Fire Terror, Light Fury, Night terror, Dart

25%: Changewing, Dramillion, Fire Terror, Hobblegrunt, Light Fury, Night Terror, Prickleboggle, Sand Wraith, Snow Wraith, Ruffrunner, Pouncer

20%: Deathly Galeslash, G.Zapplejack, H.Zippleback, Snaptrapper, Flame Whipper, Moldruffle, Sc.Death, Shovelhelm, Singetail, Typhoomerang, W.Death, Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Raincutter, S.Smokebreath, Stormcutter, Windwalker

360 Coins

720 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

25 Candy

8 hours
Head Count


Fishlegs is on a field trip to Impossible Island, and his head count of baby dragons is coming up short! Where could they be?

File:Stable mission type rescue.png

Tip: All we need is an eagerness to help!

S1 Leader.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl.10+: +5%

Lvl.20+: +10%

Lvl.30+: +15%

Adult: +5%

Titan: +10%

Leader: +10%

30%: Toothless (lvl.10)

20%: any other adult dragon

90 Coins

180 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

3 Candy

1 hour
It's a Glow Up


Turns out, sheep can't put on costumes by themselves! Who can help transform our fluffy friends into Dreadfall legends?

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Any dragon with good style can help out.

S1 Camouflage.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl.4+: +5%

Lvl.10+: +5%

Lvl.20+: +10%

Lvl.30+: +15%

Camouflage: +10%

25%: Changewing, Dramillion, Fire Terror, Hobblegrunt, Light Fury, Night Light, Night Terror, Prickleboggle, Sand Wraith, Snow Wraith, Sweet Death 90 Coins

180 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

3 Candy

1 hour

Maze Construction

We're ready to work on the next Loki Maze, but there are a lot of boulders in the way! Any buff dragons willing to help out?

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Tough dragons were born to move rocks.

S1 Tough.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl.10+: +5%

Lvl.20+: +10%

Titan: +5%

Tough: +10%

Boulder: +10%

Sharp: +10%

35%: C.Quaken, C.Goregutter, Sentinel, Shovelhelm, W.Death, Scuttleclaw, Stormcutter, Timberjack

25%: Deathly Galeslash, Eruptodon, G.Zapplejack, Grapple Grounder, Groncicle, Gronckle, Hotburple, Sc.Death, Snafflefang, Thunderpede, Buffalord, Death Song, Hobgobbler, Mudraker, Scuttleclaw, Stormcutter, Timberjack, Triple Stryke, Devilish Dervish, Grim Gnasher, Prickleboggle, Raincutter, Razorwhip, Shivertooth, Speed Stinger, Ridgesnipper

110 Coins

216 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

5 Candy

1 hour 30 minutes
Pumpkin Party


The school grounds are woefully undecorated. Can we get some helpful claws in here?

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: All creative dragons are welcome!

S2 Agile.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Teens: +5%

Adult: +10%

Titan: +15%

Lvl.10+: +5%

Lvl.20+: +10%

Agile: +10%

35%: Deathly Galeslash, Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Raincutter, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter, Windwalker, Dart

Titans will have 5% more, Teens 5% less, Babies 10% less

110 Coins

216 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

5 Candy

1 hour 30 minutes


Mulch sailed out near Helheim's Gate and hasn't returned. Is he lost... or worse?

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Send dragons who are masters of the seas.

S2 Sonic.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 0%

Any dragon: 10%

Titan: +5%

Lvl.20+: +10%

Sonic: +5%

Tidal: +15%

Burst: +5%

Speed: +5%

35%: Thunderdrum

30%: Scauldron, Shockjaw, Sliquifier, Tide Glider, Windwalker

25%: Sand Wraith 

15%: Deathly Galeslash, Dreadstrider, Flame Whipper, Grapple Grounder, H.Zippleback, Raincutter, Sc.Death, Snafflefang, Terrible Terror, Thunderpede, Woolly Howl, Boneknapper, Mudraker, Sentinel

700 Coins

1296 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

75 Candy

24 hours

Smoke Machines

We need help filling the maze with smoke. Send your most flamboyant dragons to help.

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Consider dragons that are known to hinder visibility.

S2 Gas.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Class: Mystery

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 0%

Any dragon: 10%

Titan: +5%

Lvl.10+: +5%

Lvl.20+: +10%

Burst: +5%

Gas: +20%

40%: H.Zippleback

35%: G.Zapplejack, Snaptrapper, Sweet Death

20%: Dreadstrider

15%: Armor Wing, Boneknapper, Buffalord, Changewing, Death Song, Dramillion, Flightmare, Hobgobbler, Slithersong, S.Smokebreath

Other dragons: INVALID

770 Coins

1200 Dragon Bonding XP

150 UDT Points

50 Candy

16 hours

Trick or Treat Chaperone

WANTED: patient dragons who can put up with rambunctious trick-or-treating baby dragons.

File:Stable mission type explore.png

Tip: Send elderly dragons that are good at tracking.

S2 Sonic.png

Age: Baby, Adult, Titan

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 0%

Any dragon: 10%

Adult: +5%

Titan: +10%

Lvl.10+: +5%

Lvl.20+: +10%

Sonic: +10%

Tracker: +15%

45%: Mudraker

35%: D.Nadder, Rumblehorn

30%: Boneknapper, Sentinel, Thunderdrum

540 Coins

1080 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

35 Candy

12 hours
Under Attack


"All hands on deck: mysterious enemy ship on the horizon!(Is that... a ghost ship?)"

File:Stable missions type battle.png

Tip: Speed is the name of the game here!

S2 Agile.png

Age: Titan

Party size: 2

Starting odds: 0%

Any dragon: 5%

Lvl.20+: +15%

Lvl.30+: +20%

Agile: +10%

Speed: +10%

40%: Windwalker

30%: D.Nadder, Flightmare, Grim Gnasher, Shivertooth, Shockjaw, Silver Phantom, Singetail, Sliquifier, Slithersong, Speed Stinger, Tide Glider, Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Raincutter, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter, 

1300 Coins

2160 Dragon Bonding XP

150 UDT Points

150 Candy

48 hours