Stable Missions List/Slot 4/Snoggletog

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Snoggletog Exclusive Special Stable Missions available for the Snoggletog Event. Snoggletog Event

Mission Name/Difficulty Requirements Success Odds Suggested dragons Prize Duration
Cookie Cutting


Hiccup is making Snoggletog cookies for everyone in berk and needs help cutting them into different shapes!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: You have to cut these into very specific shapes!

S2 Agile.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Razor: +15%

Agile: +15%

Titan: +10%

25%: Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Raincutter, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter, Windwalker, Dart, Deathly Galeslash, Buffalord, Crimson Goregutter, Deadly Nadder, Devilish Dervish, Grim Gnasher, Razorwhip, Thunderpede, Timberjack 360 Coins

720 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

25 Treat

8 hours
Cookie theft!


Hunters have stolen all the Snoggletog Cookies, help get them back!

File:Stable mission type evil viking.png

Tip: Your dragons must lead the charge to get them back

S2 Focus.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Focus: +10%

Leader: +10%

Titan: +15%

30%: Toothless

20%: Abomibumble, Armor Wing, Hobblegrunt, Monstrous Nightmare, Night Fury, Pouncer, Rumblehorn, Scuttleclaw, Silver Phantom, Terrible Terror

770 Coins

1200 Dragon Bonding XP

150 UDT Points

50 Treat

16 hours
Course Construction


Help out by carrying snow to create a hill for children to sled

S1 Speed.png

Tip: Icey dragons know the best ways to sled

S2 Sonic.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Ice: +10%

Speed: +10%

Titan: +10%

30%: Shivertooth

20%: Deadly Nadder, Deathly Galeslash, Flightmare, Grim Gnasher, Shockjaw, Silver Phantom, Singetail, Sliquifier, Slithersong, Speed Stinger, Tide Glider, Windwalker, Groncicle, Snow Wraith, Woolly Howl

540 Coins

1080 Dragon Bonding XP

125 UDT Points

35 Treat

12 hours
Lost Presents


Overnight, Snoggletog presents fell into the lake and got frozen in the ice!

File:Stable mission type rescue.png

Tip: Tough dragons need to break through the ice to get them back

S2 Rock.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 2

Starting odds: 15%

Any dragon: 10%

Rock: +10%

Titan: +10%

20%: Catastrophic Quaken, Eruptodon, Hotburple, Ridgesnipper, Sand Wraith, Snafflefang 1300 Coins

2160 Dragon Bonding XP

175 UDT Points

150 Treat

48 hours
Oh snow!


On an unexpectedly warm day, all the snow melted. Help make more of it!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Only frigid dragons can help out!

S2 Ice.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Skill: Ice

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 0%

Ice: +15%

Titan: +15%

15%: Groncicle, Shivertooth, Snow Wraith, Woolly Howl

Other species: INVALID

360 Coins

720 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

25 Treat

8 hours
Perilous Decoration


Some berkians were climbing up high to decorate for Snoggletog when their ladder fell. Get them down!

File:Stable mission type rescue.png

Tip: You need to get really high up to save them, and they might need help after they are rescued…

S2 Healer.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Skill: Healer

Party size: 2

Starting odds: 15%

Any dragon: 0%

Tough: +10%

Healer: +15%

Titan: +10%

15%: Fireworm Queen, Prickleboggle, Tide Glider

Other species: INVALID

1300 Coins

2160 Dragon Bonding XP

175 UDT Points

150 Treat

48 hours
Power outage!


The abundance of christmas lights used all the power! Send a dragon to help out!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: The Chimeragon is the only dragon with the power to run the lights

S2 Electric.png

Age: Teen, Adult

Party size: 2

Starting odds: 5%

Any dragon: 10%

Electric: +5%

Chimeragon?: +50%

Adult: +10%

Teen: +5%

Stoker: +5%

70%: Chimeragon?

25%: Abomibumble, Fire Terror, Fireworm Queen, Flame Whipper, Hobblegrunt, Moldruffle, Monstrous Nightmare, Night Terror, Silver Phantom, Singetail, Terrible Terror, Typhoomerang, Bonestormer, Grapple Grounder, Shockjaw, Skrill, Skrillknapper

110 Coins

216 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

5 Treat

1.5 hours
Save the presents!


A ship loaded with presents is sinking! Help unload the cargo before its too late!

File:Stable mission type rescue.png

Tip: A big strong dragon needs to carry them up the tree

S2 Sonic.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Skill: Tough

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 15%

Sonic: +10%

Titan: +10%

25%: Boneknapper, Mudraker, Sentinel, Thunderdrum 540 Coins

1080 Dragon Bonding XP

125 UDT Points

35 Treat

12 hours
Snowball fight


Before the big snowball fight, the citizens of Berk realized they are short on snowballs, help them make more!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Only ice dragons can make snowballs but they have to do it fast

S1 Speed.png

Age: Teen, Adult, Titan

Skill: Ice

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 15%

Any dragon: 0%

Speed: +10%

Ice: +10%

Titan: +10%

Adult: +5%

25%: Shivertooth

15%: Groncicle, Snow Wraith, Woolly Howl

Other species: INVALID

770 Coins

1200 Dragon Bonding XP

150 UDT Points

50 Treat

16 hours
Snowflake Slicin'


The children of berk want to cover the town in paper snowflakes. Have a dragon help cut them!

File:Stable mission type rescue.png

Tip: The sharper the dragon, the better the snowflake

S2 Razor.png

Age: Teen, Adult, Titan

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 0%

Razor: +10%

Titan: +10%

Adult: +5%

Teen: +2%

15%: Buffalord, Crimson Goregutter, Deadly Nadder, Devilish Dervish, Grim Gnasher, Razorwhip, Thunderpede, Timberjack 110 Coins

216 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

5 Treat

1.5 hours
Snowman Building


The children of berk want to build an enormous snowman however they arent strong enough to build it…. Help them out!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Cold dragons make great snowmen

S1 Burst.png

Age: Teen, Adult, Titan

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 15%

Any dragon: 10%

Burst: +5%

Ice: +10%

Titan: +10%

Adult: +5%

Teen: +2%

30%: Woolly Howl

25%: Groncicle, Shivertooth, Snow Wraith

20%: Dreadstrider, Flame Whipper, Grapple Grounder, Hideous Zippleback, Raincutter, Scauldron, Screaming Death, Snafflefang, Terrible Terror, Thunderdrum, Thunderpede

770 Coins

1200 Dragon Bonding XP

150 UDT Points

50 Treat

16 hours
Snow way!


A foot of snow has fallen overnight and berkians are trapped in their homes. Dragons can find them and help dig them out

File:Stable mission type search.png

Tip: Find everyone and fast!

S1 Speed.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 5%

Speed: +5%

Agile: +5%

Ice: +10%

Titan: +10%

Tracker: +10%

20%: D.Nadder, Shivertooth

15%: Groncicle, Snow Wraith, Woolly Howl, Deathly Galeslash, Windwalker, Mudraker, Rumblehorn

10%: Flightmare, Grim Gnasher, Shivertooth, Shockjaw, Silver Phantom, Singetail, Sliquifier, Slithersong, Speed Stinger, Tide Glider, Dart, Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Raincutter, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter

360 Coins

720 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

25 Treat

8 hours
The Best Tree Ever


A child's one wish for Snoggletog was to have the best tree ever for his family. Help them find it!

File:Stable mission type explore.png

Tip: Your dragon must find what is truly the best tree

S1 Leader.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Class: Tracker

Party size: 2

Starting odds: 15%

Any dragon: 10%

Leader: +10%

Sonic: +5%

Titan: +5%

15%: Mudraker

10%: D.Nadder, Rumblehorn

Other species: INVALID

1300 Coins

2160 Dragon Bonding XP

175 UDT Points

150 Treat

48 hours
The Big Tree


The citizens of berk are unable to reach and decorate the top of the big christmas tree! Have a dragon help fly them up there!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: A big strong dragon needs to carry them up the tree

S2 Agile.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Agile: +10%

Titan: +10%

Boulder: +10%

30%: Gronckle

20%: Catastrophic Quaken, Crimson Goregutter, Eruptodon, Grapple Grounder, Groncicle, Hotburple, Ridgesnipper, Screaming Death, Sentinel, Shovelhelm, Snafflefang, Thunderpede, W.Death, Dart, Deathly Galeslash, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Raincutter, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter, Windwalker

540 Coins

1080 Dragon Bonding XP

125 UDT Points

35 Treat

12 hours
The Brighten Berk Blueprint


Wanted: dragons to help hang mistletoe and other decorations around Berk. Please avoid Spitelout; he is being quite grumpy about it all.

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Any dragon with cheer in her heart can help out.

S1 Camouflage.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Camouflage: +10%

Agile: +10%

Leader: +5%

Lvl. 5+: +5%

35%: Dart, Light Fury, Night Terror

25%: Changewing, Deathly Galeslash, Dramillion, Fire Terror, Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Hobblegrunt, Prickleboggle, Raincutter, Sand Wraith, S.Smokebreath, Snow Wraith, Stormcutter, Sweet Death, Windwalker, Ruffrunner, Pouncer

20%: Toothless

110 Coins

216 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

5 cookies

1 hour 30 minutes
The Great Snoggletog Baking Championship


It’s the annual Snoggletog cookie baking compeition, whoever's dragon bakes the best cookies wins!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Some quick firepower will help bake the cookies

S2 Wild.png

Age: Teen, Adult, Titan

Party size: 1

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 5%

Speed: +5%

Wild: +5%

Titan: +15%

Stoker: +5%

20%: Singetail

15%: Silver Phantom, Fire Terror, Flame Whipper, Moldruffle, Typhoomerang

10%: Abomibumble, Fireworm Queen, Hobblegrunt, Monstrous Nightmare, Night Terror, Terrible Terror, Deadly Nadder, Deathly Galeslash, Flightmare, Grim Gnasher, Shivertooth, Shockjaw, Sliquifier, Slithersong, Speed Stinger, Tide Glider, Windwalker, Dramillion, Ruffrunner, Screaming Death, Shovelhelm, Whispering Death

110 Coins

216 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

5 Treat

1.5 hours

Avalanche Accident


Ruffnut found a Groncicle stuck under a mountain of rocks. Send help!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Consider dragons that can move rocks.

S2 Rock.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 5%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl. 10+: +5%

Lvl. 20+: +10%

Titan: +5%

Rock: +15%

Razor: +10%

30%: Catastrophic Quaken, Eruptodon, Hotburple, Sand Wraith, Snafflefang

25%: Buffalord, Crimson Goregutter, Deadly Nadder, Devilish Dervish, Grim Gnasher, Razorwhip, Thunderpede, Timberjack

540 Coins

1080 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

120 Dragon Cookie ('19)

35 Treat ('20)

12 hours

Gift Delivery


Hiccup needs help delivering presents amongst the Vikings.

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Consider dragons that can move quickly.

S2 Agile.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%Any dragon: 10%

Lvl. 10+: +5%

Lvl. 20+: +10%

Speed: +10%

Agile: +10%

35%: Windwalker

25%: Deadly Nadder, Flightmare, Grim Gnasher, Shivertooth, Shockjaw, Silver Phantom, Singetail, Sliquifier, Slithersong, Speed Stinger, Tide Glider, Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Raincutter, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter, Windwalker

700 Coins

1296 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

240 Dragon Cookie ('19)

75 Treat ('20)

24 hours

Ice Diving


Oh no! A Tiny Tooth Gronckle fell through the ice!

File:Stable mission type rescue.png

Tip: Consider dragons that like the cold.

S2 Ice.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 0%

Any dragon: 5%

Lvl. 10+: +5%

Lvl. 20+: +10%

Titan: +5%

Tidal: +10%

Ice: +15%

25%: Groncicle, Shivertooth, Snow Wraith, Woolly Howl

20%: Sand Wraith, Scauldron, Shockjaw, Sliquifier, Thunderdrum, Tide Glider, Windwalker

920 Coins

1440 Dragon Bonding XP

150 UDT Points

240 Dragon Cookie ('19)

75 Treat ('20)

24 hours

Maze Entrance Frozen Shut

Oh no! The entrance to the maze has been frozen shut. Emergency melting required, stat!

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: We need dragons with experience and cool heads.

S2 Focus.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl.20+: +10%

Adult: +10%

Titan: +15%

Focus: +15%

Wild: +10%

35%: Armor Wing, Hobblegrunt, Monstrous Nightmare, Night Fury, Rumblehorn, Scuttleclaw, Silver Phantom, Terrible Terror

30%: Dramillion, Fire Terror, Flame Whipper, Moldruffle, Screaming Death, Shovelhelm, Singetail, Typhoomerang, Whispering Death

700 Coins

1296 Dragon Bonding XP100 UDT Points

240 Dragon Cookie ('19)

75 Treat ('20)

24 hours

Missing Yak


Where did these yaks go?

File:Stable mission type explore.png

Tip: Dragons who can find things will be really helpful here.

S2 Sonic.png

Age: Titan

Party size: 2

Starting odds: 0%

Any dragon: 0%

Lvl. 30+: +10%

Lvl. 40+: +15%

Tracker: +15%

Sonic: +15%

30%: Mudraker

15%: Deadly Nadder, Rumblehorn, Boneknapper, Sentinel, Thunderdrum

1300 Coins

2160 Dragon Bonding XP

150 UDT Points

480 Dragon Cookie ('19)

150 Treat ('20)

48 hours
Protect the Snoggletog Tree


Dragon Hunters are trying to burn down the Snoggletog Tree!

File:Stable mission type evil viking.png

Tip: Send dragons that are good at putting out fires.

S2 Ice.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 5%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl. 10+: +5%

Lvl. 20+: +10%

Titan: +5%

Tidal: +15%

Ice: +15%

30%: Groncicle, Shivertooth, Snow Wraith, Woolly Howl, Sand Wraith, Scauldron, Shockjaw, Sliquifier, Thunderdrum, Tide Glider, Windwalker 540 Coins

1080 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

120 Dragon Cookie ('19)

25 Treat ('20)

12 hours

Snoggletog Decorations


Astrid needs help decorating the school for Snoggletog.

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Consider dragons that are quick and efficient at putting things up.

S2 Agile.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl.10+: +5%

Lvl. 20+: +10%

Titan: +10%

Speed: +5%

Agile: +10%

30%: Windwalker

25%: Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Raincutter, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter

20%: Deadly Nadder, Flightmare, Grim Gnasher, Shivertooth, Shockjaw, Silver Phantom, Singetail, Sliquifier, Slithersong, Speed Stinger, Tide Glider

360 Coins720 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

80 Dragon Cookie ('19)

25 Treat ('20)

8 hours

Snoggletog Tree Decorations


Decorating trees is the best way to get into the right spirit of things, don't you think?

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: All dragons are welcome!

S2 Agile.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Teen: +5%

Adult: +10%

Titan: +15%

Lvl.10+: +5%

Lvl. 20+: +10%

Agile: +10%

35%: Gronckle, Hobgobbler, Light Fury, Night Terror, Raincutter, Smothering Smokebreath, Stormcutter, Windwalker

Titans will have +5%, teens -5%, babies -10%

110 Coins216Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

15 Dragon Cookie ('19)

5 Treat ('20)

1.5 hours

Stolen Present


Dragon Hunters have stolen Snoggletog presents. Those grinches!

File:Stable mission type evil viking.png

Tip: Bring dragons that are good at finding things.

S2 Focus.png

Age: Adult, Titan

Party size: 3

Starting odds: 0%

Any dragon: 5%

Lvl. 10+: +5%

Lvl. 20+: +10%

Titan: +5%

Tracker: +10%

Focus: +15%

35%: Rumblehorn

25%: Armor Wing, Hobblegrunt, Monstrous Nightmare, Night Fury, Scuttleclaw, Silver Phantom, Terrible Terror

20%: Deadly Nadder, Mudraker

920 Coins

1440 Dragon Bonding XP

150 UDT Points

240 Dragon Cookie ('19)

50 Treat ('20)

24 hours
Yaknog Cheer


Astrid wants all young dragons to help her brew yaknog!

File:Stable mission type rescue.png

Tip: Young dragons are easier to work with.

S2 Razor.png

Age: Baby, Teen

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 5%

Any dragon: 10%

Speed: +5%

Razor: +10%

Lvl. 10+: +5%

Lvl. 20+: +10%

Teen: +5%

(% for babies)

25%: Deadly Nadder, Grim Gnasher

20%: Buffalord, Crimson Goregutter, Devilish Dervish, Razorwhip, Thunderpede, Timberjack

15%: Flightmare,Shivertooth, Shockjaw, Silver Phantom, Singetail, Sliquifier, Slithersong, Speed Stinger, Tide Glider, Windwalker, 

360 Coins720 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

80 Dragon Cookie


25 Treat ('20)

8 hours
Deck the Halls of Valhalla


We want to honor the fallen during this Snoggletog season. Astrid wants to enshrine axes and shields lost at sea.

File:Stable mission type search.png

Tip: Tidal Class dragons can look for lost axes under the sea.

S2 Sonic.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Lvl 5+: +5%

Sonic: +10%

Tidal: +15%

40%: Thunderdrum

30%: Sand Wraith, Scauldron, Shockjaw, Sliquifier, Tide Glider, Windwalker

25%: Boneknapper, Mudraker, Sentinel

360 Coins

720 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

25 Treat

8 hours

Fishlegs's Gift

Fishlegs is hard at work, making a present for all of Berk's dragons. He could use some volunteers to test his concoctions...

File:Stable mission type explore.png

Tip: Baby dragons can eat anything and stay healthy. That ability will probably be tested.

S2 Healer.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Baby: +10%

Tough: +10%

Healer: +10%

20%: Buffalord, C.Quaken, Crimson Goregutter, Deathsong, G.Zapplejack, Hobgobbler, Fireworm Queen, Mudraker, Prickleboggle, Scuttleclaw, Sentinel, Shovelhelm, Stormcutter, Tide Glider, Timberjack, Triple Stryke, W.Death

Babies will have 10% more

130 Coins

252 Dragon Bonding XP

50 UDT Points

5 Treat

2 hours

The Nog

Astrid has asked for a few dragons to come enjoy her flavorful Snoggletog Yaknog.

File:Stable mission type dragon aid.png

Tip: Send dragons with strong stomachs!

S2 Poison.png

Age: any

Party size: 4

Starting odds: 10%

Any dragon: 10%

Titan: +10%

Poison: +20%

Gas: +20%

Tough: +15%

Leader: +10%

Rock: +10%

45%: Triple Stryke

35%: C.Quaken

30%: Changewing, Deathgripper, H.Zippleback, Scauldron, Sliquifier, Snaptrapper, Sweet Death

25%: Buffalord, C.Goregutter, Death Song, Hobgobbler, Mudraker, Scuttleclaw, Sentinel, Shovelhelm, Stormcutter, Timberjack, W.Death

20%: Eruptodon, Hotburple, Snafflefang, Sand Wraith, Toothless

108 Coins

360 Dragon Bonding XP

100 UDT Points

5 Treat

1 hour 20 minutes