Stables/Starter Stable

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The Starter Stable is the first stable the player starts off with. It's a two-Slots Stable in a wide, cavern opening, with a very simple, Viking-themed decoration.

Left slot is more decorated and colorful, with a square-ish entrance whereas the right slot resembles the Stables' icon, and is placed next to the Active slot. Due to being a starter stable, the decoration and theme are very simple but enough to home the Primary and Secondary Dragons, though Members will need an extra Stable due to Toothless and the Light Fury.

On December 15th, 2020, v3.13.0, the Starter Stable received a major revamp, it replaced the hatchery with a freshwater Fishing Spot, surrounded with all kinds of cave formations and two underground waterfalls - it's lighted by a blueish tint that also surrounds the outside of the cave. In spite of being an underground cave, it's considered as a freshwater spot. Where the hatchery's pedestal was contains a sign stating "Egg Hatching moved to Hatchery", clicking on the pedastal will send you to the Hatchery.

This was the only Stable with its own Hatchery meaning players had to use this Stable to hatch new Dragons, players could select which Dragon Egg from their backpack they desired to hatch and wait for the hatch time to end (or speed up with Gems) - once it was over, the Dragon would have a red highlight over them.