Taking the Offensive

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File:Hiccup icon.png

If we're lucky, Nikora won't have learned that we destroyed her venom cache yet. Then we could have a reasonable conversation before she get angry. But we should be ready for anything. Can you talk to Dagur and make sure our preparations are ready?

1- Talk to Dagur


File:Dagur icon.png

Get ready for a scrap, [your Viking's name]. If I were her, I'd be sailing back to Dragon's Edge right about now. She's going to be steaming mad when we come to her doorstep and we can't afford to underestimate our enemies. I have too many scars as it is.

Hiccup! To the edge of the world, brother; we'll take the fight to her together. To Stormheart's base!

2- Go to Stormheart's base


File:Dagur icon.png

Oh, she definitely knows we destroyed her stuff! We're going to be in for a good old-fashioned ruckus...

Well, it's too late to turn back now! Let's send her reeling with the first punch, then we can flatten her with the one-two. Destroy the crossbows on the ship, and avoid hitting the captive dragons!

3- Destroy the crossbows on the ship (3)


File:Hiccup icon.png

We need to talk to Nikora and stop this chaos. Land on her ship, [your Viking's name]. Toothless and I will be right behind you!

4- Land on Stormheart's ship


File:Stormheart icon.png

It's a pity it had to come down to this, [your Viking's name]. Hiccup. We could have been allies. But now...

Now I will leave you shattered like flotsam in my wake.



File:Hiccup icon.png

What in Odin's name is that? It's huge...

Well, riders, we know what to do. Charge!

5- Defeat the Dragon Tactics battle on the ship [Level 4: The Confrontation]


File:Hiccup icon.png

Amazing job everyone - wait, Dagur! Look out!



File:Hiccup icon.png

Stormheart must have given the Triple Stryke too much Grimora venom. The dragon's gone crazy!

Wait! [Your Viking's name]: take these.

Items: 1 Saline Syringe, 1 Dragon Blade, 1 Dragon Blade Canister


File:Hiccup icon.png

This might be the only way to stop the Triple Stryke without anyone getting hurt. You've been able to get closer to the Triple Stryke than any of us, so you should wield the Dragon Blade this time, not me. I know you can do it.

Now let's go - follow the Triple Stryke!


File:Dagur icon.png

Don't worry about me, [your Viking's name]. Do what you need to do. I'm more than ready to die for the cause!

File:Hiccup icon.png

No one is dying today, Dagur! We just need to hold that dragon in place before it does something reckless. [Your Viking's name], get close to the Triple Stryke and fire up the Dragon Blade. We need that Flightmare gas right now!

6- Get close to the Triple Stryke and ignite the Dragon Blade


File:Hiccup icon.png

It worked! we only have a few moments before she can start moving again. Click on her to inject her with the saline solution. That should get rid of the Grimora toxin in her system!

7- Click on the Triple Stryke to inject the syringe


File:Dagur icon.png

Thank you; my life was flashing before my eyes. There were a shocking amount of axes! Seems to me that I've been doing things right.

File:Hiccup icon.png

It's going to be okay, girl. Everything is going to be okay. [Your Viking's name], can you slowly reach your hand out and click on her head? Maybe that will calm her down.

8- Click on the Triple Stryke to calm her


File:Hiccup icon.png

Good, good. You were just lashing out, huh girl? You just wanted to save your egg. That's all you wanted, even when your mind was being tainted by the Grimora venom.

Well, I promise you that you'll always have our support, old girl. Quick, everyone: back to Dragon's Edge! Let's reunite this dragon with her egg.

9- Return to the Triple Stryke's egg at Dragon's Edge


File:Astrid icon.png

We thought about moving the Triple Stryke egg from the broken statue, but I didn't feel comfortable moving it in case she came back. Can you help her out by taking it out of the statue?

10- Click on the Triple Stryke egg


File:Hiccup icon.png

I knew that you were making a deep connection with the Triple Stryke. She's made a great choice in confiding you and entrusting you with her egg.

Animals depend on the land to live and rely on their environment to survive. The animals also, in turn, change their environment over time by living on the land. If that environment is no longer habitable for the Triple Stryke, she'll need to find another habitat. It looks like she's trusting you to do it for her egg.

Item: 1 Triple Stryke Egg


File:Dagur icon.png

Wow. She offered you her own child? No one, Viking or dragon, could ever bestow a greater honor. I must speak to you in private, [your Viking's name].

11- Talk to Dagur


File:Dagur icon.png

You must prove yourself worthy of that Triple Stryke. Do you understand? You have a great burden on your shoulders, one that will rest heavily on you for the rest of this dragon's life. Don't worry: Berserkers never abandon our own. You'll have all the help you need.