Template:Dragon Checklist/doc

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With so many Dragons to look after, a checklist would eventually be done.


ALL PARAMETERS have to be empty by default, if a checklsit has been completed, add a value to the correspectiong paremeter (for exmaple, Article.1 has been completed, therefore you add "Article.1 = done"). Use [Section].notes to note down additional reasons regarding a Section.

{{Dragon Checklist
|Dragon Name =
|Article.Infobox1 =
|Article.Infobox2 =
|Article.Category =
|Article.Infopic1 =
|Article.Infopic2 =
|Article.Infofill =
|Article.Sypnosis =
|Article.Description1 =
|Article.Description2 =
|Article.Description3 =
|Article.Quest =
|Article.Other =
|Article.notes =
|Gallery.Baby =
|Gallery.Hatch =
|Gallery.Adult =
|Gallery.Module =
|Gallery.Titan =
|Gallery.HWPatterns =
|Gallery.Skins =
|Gallery.Other =
|Gallery.notes  =
|Stats.Racing =
|Stats.RacingTitan =
|Stats.Firepower =
|Stats.ShotLimit =
|Stats.BaseDamage =
|Stats.MaxHealth =
|Stats.FireRange =
|Stats.CritHitChance =
|Stats.Cooldown =
|Stats.Recharge =
|Stats.Combat =
|Stats.CombatTitan =
|Stats.CombatTable =
|Stats.notes =
|Extra.SMList =
|Extra.SMSkill =
|Extra.StatComp =
|Extra.DTActions =
|Extra.Dragonbox =
|Extra.ChronoList =
|Extra.notes =