The Air Show

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"Think you have the chops to cut through the air? These cute Night Lights may be adorable as they fool around in the skies, but there's still a thing or two we can show them. Come talk to me if you want to put on a show." - Hiccup

1-Talk with Hiccup


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Hey [your Viking's name]!Just the person for this demonstration. There's something wonderful and striking that happens when a dragon rider and a dragon meld together into one to soar through the air, don't you think?

We've cleared out a nice spot over Hobblegrunt Island for us to engage in some aerial acrobatics. I'll meet you there... and I'll make sure to bring a fun audience along. I can't wait!

2-Go to Hobblegrunt Island and find Hiccup


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Glad you made it! The entire alpha family is here - father, mother, and Night Lights. Just the way we like it!

All right! Are you ready to show everyone how flying is done? I think the Light Fury is ready to show off for the little ones. Tap on the Light Fury and mount her when you're ready!

3-Tap on the Light Fury and mount her


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The Light Fury is incredibly fast and nimble in the air, so I'm really excited to see what the two of you can do together. Can you and the Light Fury fly through all the hoops in the air?

4-Fly through all the hoops in the air (15)


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Great flying! Come back and talk to me, please.

5-Talk to Hiccup


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I think you showed the little ones a thing or two about a thing or two. Their eyes were glued to you and their mother as you raced through those rings! I'm sure they're eager to give it a try themselves.

I can't think of a better way to kick off Snoggletog celebrations. I'm so glad you're here with us!