The Big Icy Problem

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"WANTED: Someone with a good head on their shoulders and someone who knows how to vibe with Stoker Class dragons. They're not easy to handle, after all. Meet me at Scuttleclaw Island if you want that challenge." - Snotlout

1 - Go to Scuttleclaw Island


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Now, where could Snotlout be?

2 - Find Snotlout at Scuttleclaw Island


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Yo! I'm glad you're here. It's an 'all-hands-on-deck' sort of situation, and well, there aren't enough hands here to deal with this problem.

The big problem is this: there's a giant iceberg on a collision course with the island! I know, I know: 'let's nature handle it' and whatnot, but this stupid thing might crash into a small nest of Scuttleclaw eggs I've been keeping an eye over the last season. So, let's get rid of it, okay?

Let's get started. First, catch an Arctic Char. What does that have to do with an iceberg? Patience, young student.

3 - Catch an Arctic Char/Herring


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Good! Good!

Now, please: place the fish on the marked area. It's a spot I picked for maximum visibility and maximum efficacy. let's goooo!

4 - Tap on the spot Snotlout is insisting upon
[Cutscene: A Family of Monstrous Nightmare appear and eat the fish]


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FIRE! That's my grand, brilliant solution! I hope you're good with Monstrous Nightmares, [your Viking's name]. Reach out your hand and touch the fearsome dragon, then mount them!

5 - Tap on the Monstrous Nightmare and mount them


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I love it when a plan comes together!

Now, it's going to take coordinated fire to even put a dent on this iceberg. Shoot where I point out!

6 - Shoot the iceberg (3)
[Cutscene: Babies join in and shoot the iceberg]


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Nearly there!Let's finish this right!

7 - Shoot the iceberg


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Oh yeah! Burn baby burn!

(Melt, baby, melt?)
Whatever. Come talk to me!

8 - Talk to Snotlout


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As we all know, Stoker Class dragons are the best dragons around. So the fact that you were able to use fire with them and do some damage is really good! I gotta say, you're earning some respect from my eyes.