The Coming Threat

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File:Archaeologist icon.png

I have to take more notes in my Field Guide before I remove these items from the room. Would you mind returning to camp first and telling Hiccup the good news? I'm sure he'll be very excited to know about this amazing discovery.

1- Talk to Hiccup at the camp in Icestorm Island


File:Hiccup icon.png

Wow! I'd love to see that room for myself.

While you two were inside the caves, I was watching out for signs of the Berserkers. Well, I was trying to watch for them. Toothless and I couldn't really see anything because a thick fog covered the island. Luckily it just cleared up. Can you use the Telescope and keep an eye on the horizon?

2- Use the Archaeologist's telescope


File:Hiccup icon.png

You see Berserker ships? Not good, not good!

We can't stand against that many Berserker warriors. They’ll overwhelm us, even with dragons at our side! I'll raise the alarm to get back to the School.

Mildew worked against us, but he's still one of us. The Berserkers will be furious when they find out we took the treasure, and I don't know what they’ll do to him. Can you tell Mildew that he might be in danger?

3- Talk to Mildew


File:Mildew icon.png

You want to help me? But I've been working against you this entire time.You… you're a good Viking. We built Berk with good Viking values like yours, not on the backs of dragons.

I'll talk to them and buy you some time to escape. Go on without me.

And [your Viking's name] – thank you.

4- Talk to Hiccup back at the camp


File:Hiccup icon.png

You're back. Where's Mildew? Isn't he coming with us?

Wow, I didn't expect that from him. I'm touched... I wish we could change his mind, but we're out of time!

File:Item viking artifact.png
Ancient Viking Artifacts

File:Hiccup icon.png

The artifacts we recovered are part of our Viking heritage, and we can't let the Berserkers pillage them. That means we must get out of here now.

As the Chief's son, I need to stay behind and see everyone to safety. I need you to fly on ahead with these treasures so that they don't fall into the Berserkers' hands.

5- Fly back to the school


File:Headmaster icon.png

[Your Viking's name], you look exhausted. What's wrong?

File:Valka icon.png

Come. Catch your breath and tell us what happened. We can help.

6- Talk to Valka


File:Valka icon.png

That's distressing news. We'll need to alert the Berk Guard. I'll make my way to New Berk and we'll need to sound the alarm here. Clueless is nearby, I'm sure he can do it.

On second thought, maybe someone more reliable should do the job. Bucket, perhaps? Tell him to sound the horn, [your Viking's name}. You can find him at the Lookout.

7- Talk to Bucket at the Lookout


File:Bucket icon.png

I'll get right to it! Everyone will hear the sound of the horn, I promise you.

You can count on me to raise the alarm! You should go back to Berk and tell Valka that Bucket's on the case.

8- Give the artifacts to Valka in Berk


File:Valka icon.png

Hiccup told me the details of your escape from Icestorm Island. You spotted the Berserkers and bought everyone the time we needed to get out safely. You are a hero, [your Viking's name], to Viking and dragon alike!

You are given 500 Coins .


File:Valka icon.png

We need to get these artifacts to a safe place. Will you take them inside the Great Hall?

9- Go to the Great Hall


File:Astrid icon.png

You did it, [your Viking's name]! I have to admit, you’re pretty amazing.

You helped bring everyone back safely from Icestorm Island like a true Viking warrior! I know that we had a close call but you’re among friends now. Relax and talk to our friends here in the Great Hall.

10- Talk to Bucket


File:Bucket icon.png

Who would have known that this would have all come from an egg I picked up? Thank you for seeing it all the way through.

11- Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

I'm glad you brought back our little frozen friend, [your Viking's name]! He seems to like you a lot. You know, I think dragons can tell if their partner is a good person or not. From the way your dragon took to you, I know that you're a fantastic dragon trainer.

Icestorm Island can't be the only undiscovered island beyond Berk. I'm sure there are countless more out there with exciting new dragons to train. And when we find them, I'll be relying on your help again!

12- Talk to the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

My dear friend! Thank you for everything. It feels like everything rushed by so quickly. Together we made discoveries, solved ancient riddles, and unearthed an ancient treasure! I am indebted to you for all your help, but more importantly, I am grateful to have made a true friend.

Our discoveries only revealed more unanswered questions. That's the fun of archaeology! For instance, where did the ancient Vikings of Icestorm Island go? How did they use these artifacts? My next journey will be to solve these mysteries. I hope we can work together when our paths cross again.

Thank you, [your Viking's name]. Thank you.