The Debate

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File:Astrid icon.png

Wow. A new dragon? From Stormheart? I don't like her, but I like leaving a poor dragon in her chuckles less. Let's go to Hobblegrunt Island and figure this out.

1-Go to Hobblegrunt Island


File:Astrid icon.png

Well. Let's get this over with...

2-Talk to Stormheart


File:Stormheart icon.png

Shall we begin?

File:Hiccup icon.png

Wait, wait. Hold it.

We need to talk about a few things before we get started.

3-Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

We can help you get more in tune with your dragon, but if you're looking to harness a dragon to your war efforts, you can count us out. That's not what we believe in.

File:Stormheart icon.png

How principled.

File:Hiccup icon.png

I'm serious, Stormheart. We'd be doing this to help the dragon, not you. If we think we're going to abuse this dragon, we put a stop to this right now.
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Vikings! Please. There's no reason to get our hackles up on some... semantics.

4-Talk to Harald

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

This dragon is in need of some tender care from the dragon masters of Berk. This dragon is proving more headstrong and difficult to train. We will treasure this dragon and care for her. Isn't that right, Stormheart?

File:Stormheart icon.png

I promise you that this dragon will receive the utmost care. My sister's notes were chaotic, and the dragon was difficult to create; I would not lose that investment.

You ride your dragons into battle as well. What makes us so different?


File:Hiccup icon.png

We care for them as friends! They choose to defend us when we're in danger. We don't force them with venom or whips or anything of the sort.

File:Stormheart icon.png

I will not force this dragon to do anything. Is that enough?

File:Hiccup icon.png

For now...

[Your Viking's name], let's find this dragon.

5-Look for the Chimeragon


File:Hiccup icon.png

Let's see what we can do, [your Viking's name]. Can you get close and tap on her?

6-Tap on the Chimeragon


File:Hiccup icon.png

Oh no!

Okay. Let's leave her alone for now; we have our work cut out for us.