The Farm/Seeds

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To grow crops, you must purchase the seeds of the crop you want to grow from the store. Then, to plant the seeds, click an empty plot and select the plant. After watering the plant, you must either wait a certain amount of time for the plant to mature or spend gems to harvest immediately. Every plant takes a different amount of time to mature, from a few minutes to several hours. Following its maturation, the plant must be harvested within 12 hours or else it will wither. Spoiled crops are stored in a player's inventory and can be gotten rid of with the use of a composter.


File:Icestorm.png Requires the Icestorm Island expansion pack to unlock
Dreadfall exclusive Dreadfall (Halloween) Exclusive
(xxx) Cost in members in bracers


Plant Cost Quantity Time Time Level
Dragon Nip 12 Coins (10 Coins) 2 plants 2 mins N/A
Elderberry Bush 36 Coins (29 Coins) 3 harvest - Varies 1 hour N/A
Black Bean 24 Coins (19 Coins) 3 pods 8 mins 2
Flax 24 Coins (19 Coins) 6 flowers 5 mins 2
Corn 36 Coins (29 Coins) 3 shucks 10 mins 3
Pepper-mint 36 Coins (29 Coins) 3 mint 12 mins 3
Sunflower 60 Coins (40 Coins) 12 flowers 12 mins 5
Beetroot/Beet 60 Coins (48 Coins) 3 beets 25 mins 5
Tomato 84 Coins (67 Coins) 5 tomatoes 30 mins 6
Squash 72 Coins (58 Coins) 9 squashes 35 mins 6
Cabbage 120 Coins (96 Coins) 6 heads 45 mins 7
Strawberry 84 Coins (67 Coins) 10 strawberries 50 mins 7
Pumpkin 96 Coins (77 Coins) 6 pumpkins 60 mins (1 hour) 8
White Pumpkin Dreadfall exclusive 12 Coins (10 Coins) 6 pumpkins 30 mins N/A
Mushroom 96 Coins (77 Coins) 6 mushrooms 65 mins (1 hour 5 min) 8
Toothache 156 Coins (125 Coins) 3 plants 90 mins (1 hour 30 mins) 10
Carrot 132 Coins (106 Coins) 6 carrots 100 mins (1 hour 40 mins) 11
Titan Tomato 144 Coins (115 Coins) 10 titan tomatos 110 mins (1 hour and 50 mins) 12
Lavender 72 Coins (58 Coins) 6 flowers 2 hours 13
Arctic Poppy File:Icestorm.png 180 Coins (144 Coins) 3 flowers 2 hours 30 mins 15
Titan Pumpkin 192 Coins (154 Coins) 12 titan pumpkins 160 mins (2 hours and 40 mins) 16
Arctic Willow File:Icestorm.png 216 Coins (173 Coins) 6 stalks 3 hours 18
Bearberry File:Icestorm.png 252 Coins (202 Coins) 4 bunches 4 hours 21
Arctic Gentian File:Icestorm.png 288 Coins (230 Coins) 6 bunches 6 hours 24