The Fate of the Hidden World

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File:Valka icon.png

I wish that dragons could live without fear of the warlords, Grimmel's machinations, and Stormheart's clutches. While these enemies roam the archipelago, I fear that our job will never be over.

There are many problems to solve, and the first we should address is the Hidden World Annex. I will bring Hiccup there so that we can address it right away. Can you head to the School while he wraps up his duties here?

1-Go to the School


File:Headmaster icon.png

Ah! A messenger of news -- good news, I hope. Please, come here and regale me with the tales of New Berk. Did Heather reach New Berk in time? Did the antidote work? Are our dragons safe?

2-Talk to the Headmaster


File:Headmaster icon.png

As much as I hope that is the last time we hear of Grimmel, I know in my heart that is not the case. A man like that will only stop when he hs accomplished his goals. We cannot let him do so; nay, we will not let him.

Valka is right. The Hidden World Annex will be a tasty target to our enemies. We cannot keep it hidden forever. Enemy ships probe our defenses every week and it will only be a matter of time before they find this cave entrance.

If they find the Annex, they can find the Hidden World... and that is unacceptable. Let us enter the Annex and join Astrid and the others there.

3-Go to the Hidden World Annex


File:Headmaster icon.png

My word!

The beauty of this strange and mysterious place takes my breath away each time I see it. It astounds me that it was below our School this whole time.

Ah! The chief is already here. Good. With the decision maker here, we can come to an agreement and get moving on implementing the solution quickly.
Valka! All is well?

4-Talk to Valka


File:Valka icon.png

Thank you, [Your Viking's name]. Cloudjumper is shaken, but it will take more than the likes of Grimmel to shatter his spirit.

Cloudjumper took a flight around New berk to clear his head and now he seems as dedicated and strong as ever. He wanted to thank you himself, [your Viking's name]. Would you talk to him?

File:Stormshatter chest.png
Defenders of the Hidden World Shield Chest

5-Talk to Cloudjumper
6-Talk to Astrid

[item: Defenders of the Hidden World Shield Chest]


File:Astrid icon.png

This will be the start of a new organization: the Defenders of the Hidden World. Our job will be to protect the Annex and protect dragons everywhere. Once the students of the School of Dragons learn enough about dragons to be able to defend them, they'll join us.

7-Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

I wish that it didn't have to be this way. I wish that dragons could live in harmony but we can't change our world. What we can do is keep everyone safe.

Someday Toothless will need to leave us as the Alpha of all dragons, but that day isn't today. We're going to work together to defend the world we love. Right, Toothless?

8-Talk to Toothless