The Golden Hue of Chicken

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Note: Chicken will be hidden inside one of the class puzzles, while the chests are inside the extra rooms in the corridors that lead to the challenges. It is advised to NOT exit the maze as soon as chicken is spotted, and NOT complete the challenge, to let the various doors open. It can be completed in one go.


File:Tuffnut icon.png


1- Go to the Thawfest Maze


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Chicken is going to be keymaster: find her and the first key.

Here's a hint: You'll need an umbrella! Hahaha! Start a new maze challenge when you're ready.

2- Click on Chicken to get a key in the maze [Tidal class challenge]


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Great, the first key! I was gonna place the chests somewhere crazy, but they're super heavy... You'll be able to find each chest in the entrance hub of the current room chicken is in.

3- Find the hidden chest in the maze [Tidal class path]


File:Tuffnut icon.png

The chest is nearby! Can you smell it? You are getting warmer!


4- Tap on a locked chest in the maze.

Reward: 50 File:Thawfest medal.png


File:Tuffnut icon.png

That's fifty medals, and there's lots more to come! I hope you're spacing this out, though. Doing this all in one go might be crazy.

I'd probably do it all at once. Pain lets you know you are alive. Also puts hair on your face. (I know from experience.)

Chicken has another key. I've instructed her to hide it somewhere in the maze.

She's stealthy, but you strike me as one of the smarter Vikings at this school. I'm sure you'll find her.

5- Click on Chicken to get a key in the maze [Striker class challenge]


File:Tuffnut icon.png

She's as good as a Changewing. Maybe better. Anyway, time to find the chest!

If you're finishing puzzles, door might start to lock down. If so, just look for the chest on your next maze challenge!

6- Click on a locked chest in the maze [Strike class path]

Reward: 50 File:Thawfest medal.png


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Chicken's all set. These hints are getting harder to think up! She, uh. She... uhhh... Sorry, I can barely keep track of my thought right now!

7- Click on Chicken to get a key in the maze [Tracker class challenge]


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Right on! Head back to the entrance to unlock the next chest. I wonder what's inside...

8- Click on a locked chest in the maze [Tracker class path]

Reward: 50 File:Thawfest medal.png


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Chicken has hidden again! Honestly, at this hours she's probably hangry. I hope she didn't get into my sharp cheese.

9- Click on Chicken to get a key in the maze [Sharp class challenge]


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Chest four: find it now!

10- Click on a locked chest in the maze [Sharp class path]

Reward: 50 File:Thawfest medal.png


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Chicken needed a break. I got Fishmeat to tag in. (Don't tell Fishlegs, please.)

I had to drag him. Even though he's small, that dragon is as heavy as a boulder.

11- Click on Fishmeat to get a key in the maze [Boulder class challenge]


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Good job, Fishmeat! Way to hustle! You did okay too, [Player Name]. But it's chest-finding time!

12- Click on a locked chest in the maze [Boulder class path]

Reward: 50 File:Thawfest medal.png


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Chicken's back in it -- that we know for sure. Where she is..? That's still a complete mystery.

13- Click on Chicken to get a key in the maze [Mystery class challenge]


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Getting into the vibe of this, aren't you? You know what to do now!

14- Click on a locked chest in the maze [Mystery class path]

Reward: 50 File:Thawfest medal.png


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Okay, Chicken's doing one last one. I hope she's not too close to the lava... Last thing I need is some Berk Fried Chicken on my hands...

15- Click on Chicken to get a key in the maze [Stoker class challenge]


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Last Chest time!

16- Click on a locked chest in the maze [Stoker class path]

Reward: 100 File:Thawfest medal.png

17- Click on Chicken to get a key in the maze [Tidal class challenge]


File:Tuffnut icon.png

The last chest! Find it now!

18- Click on a locked chest in the maze [Mystery class path]

Reward: 50 File:Thawfest medal.png


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Just kidding, there's one more key and one big prize. You've collected four hundred so far, there's six hundred in the final chest! Worth it! Come see me.

(This never gets old.)

19- Talk to Tuffnut


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Were you afraid I was going to put you through more awfulness to get the last prize?

Not this year! Float on over to New Berk search for the final chest!

20- Click on a locked chest on the Balloon above the fountain.


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Great, you found it! This treasure hunt went pretty well after all: twists, turns, trivia... and Chicken!

Happy Thawfest!

Reward: 600 File:Thawfest medal.png