The Golden Migration

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File:Astrid icon.png

Hey [your Viking's name]. I was going over some of Hiccup's maps, updating them to show recent movements of our enemies. We need to stay on the top of it, after all of the troubles we had this summer.

I noticed a strange note Hiccup write next to Armorwing Island. It says something about danger for Snoggletog. Can you check in with him about this?

1 - Ask Hiccup about his map markings


File:Hiccup icon.png

Astrid sent you to ask about a map notation by Armorwing Island?....

Oh! I’d forgotten about putting that on my map. Yeah, I can shed some light on that note. I was being cryptic in case my map fell into the wrong hands, and this is important.

Many years ago, my dad Stoick found golden shards of an egg on Armorwing island. I recently found a piece among his old hunting trophies.

I did a test in the lab with Heather, and it turned out to be made of solid gold. We realized this could mean the legend of the Golden Dragon is true: a dragon whose eggshells are made of gold could really exist.

Still, we hadn’t seen either the dragon or a nest – until last winter. I found more eggshells, at the same island. I think this dragon migrates during the year: the dragon is only here during certain windows of time to lay eggs. In this case, during Snoggletog!

With the hunters being so aggressive lately, we should go check on those nest areas to be sure they are ready for when the Golden Dragons come back.

2 - Go to Armorwing Island


File:Astrid icon.png

Over here! Hiccup! [Your Viking's name]!

File:Hiccup icon.png

Let’s check the area where the egg shell pieces were. It’s over by those trees ahead of us.

3 - Go to the nest site on Armorwing Island


File:Hiccup icon.png

There's a new nest, but...

Let’s get a closer look.

4 - Click/Tap on the ruined nest


File:Hiccup icon.png

This nest looks like somebody pulled it apart with an axe.

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Dragon Hunters.

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Yeah, I think so. Are those dragon footprints? They look more recent than the damage.

5 - Click on the dragon footprints


File:Astrid icon.png

Are those Golden Dragon footprints, Hiccup?

File:Hiccup icon.png

Yes. They look very fresh. I think the Golden Dragon was here but couldn’t use this destroyed nest. We should look for her.

Head outside to Stormfly. Stormfly’s a tracker class dragon, and her sense of smell might be the quickest way to find the Golden Dragon.

6 - Go over to Stormfly


File:Astrid icon.png

We need a scent sample for Stormfly to follow.

Click/Tap on Stormfly and lead her to the footprints.

7 - Lead Stormfly to the nest and footprints

Cutscene: Stormfly getting the scent.

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Stormfly’s got the scent!

Jump on Stormfly, she’ll help you find the trail, [your Viking's name].

8 - Mount Stormfly


File:Astrid icon.png

Great! Now, follow the golden scent trail with Stormfly.

9 - Follow the scent trail

Note: Dialogue is triggered as you progress through the trail.

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Keep it up.

File:Hiccup icon.png

See anything yet?

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Yes, look! Hiding jsut ahead!
Cutscene: Golden Dragon with an egg reveal.

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It’s time to use your training skills, [your Viking's name]. See if you can soothe the Golden Dragon.

10 - Click on the dragon to soothe her


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Well done. We can’t leave her here exposed like this. Considering how friendly she is, I think we should bring her and her egg back to New Berk with us.

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Go ahead of us, [your Viking's name], and make a suitable nest with Hiccup. I’ll put together a way to carry the egg safely on Stormfly.

11 - Go to New Berk


File:Hiccup icon.png

There’s no time to waste, we should get to work on the nest.

I’ll find a good location; can you collect some soft nest materials around New Berk?

12 - Collect soft nest materials (14)


File:Hiccup icon.png

That looks like plenty, bring it over to the spot I’ve found!

13 - Place the nest material

Cutscene: Golden Dragon and Astrid heading over to the nest, the Golden Dragon approves with a soft glitter spit and more Golden Dragons arrive.

File:Hiccup icon.png

Incredible: a whole group of Golden Dragons! You’re welcome here for as long as you need, to safely hatch your new family.

I can tell this is going to be a Snoggletog to remember, [your Viking's name]!