The Master Amber Scheme

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File:Snotlout icon.png

You know what, [your Viking's name]? Where some Vikings see "dangerous dragon I need to run away from", Snotlout sees "opportunity".

These golden Death Song amber chunks are perfect materials for everyday goods! I mean, we use resources found from the earth and animals in our everyday lives.

We can turn natural resources into useful resources! There is so much potential around us. If you help me out, I'll make sure you get a cut of the profits. We need the quality resources from Death Song Island itself. I'll keep an eye out for the dragon and give you warning if it's headed back to its home. Go to the island and bring back some amber!

1- Go to Death Song Island


File:! icon.png

Death Song amber is scattered all around the island! You should look for a place with a lot of high quality Death Song amber.

2- Look for high grade Death Song Amber


File:! icon.png

That looks similar to the Death Song nest at Sven's farm. You must be careful...

Tap on the chunks of Death Song amber across the island, use your axe to chop it into pieces and gather them for Snotlout. He would be happy with 6 pieces of Death Song amber.

3- Chop 6 pieces of amber from the amber chunks


File:! icon.png

There are no signs of life on the island, and the silence feels oppressive. Death Song Island is an eerie place.

Snotlout is waiting at the Training Grounds for the Death Song Amber pieces.

4- Give the Death Song amber to Snotlout


File:Snotlout icon.png

This is it! Oh, these pieces are worth their weight in gold. I can turn this into something very useful for us all.

[Extra reward: 200 coins]


File:Snotlout icon.png

The possibilities are endless! I'm going to work on these amber inventions right away. I need you to talk to everyone so that they can get the first dibs on the goods.

Can you make sure to get the word out so that people know that my special new items are in stock? Thanks, business partner.

[note: steps 5-10 can be done in any order]

5- Talk to Gobber about the amber scheme


File:Gobber icon.png

Snotlout thinks he can make something useful out of the Death Song amber? It'll be worth a laugh, at least. I'm in!

6-  Talk to Hiccup about Snotlout's scheme


File:Hiccup icon.png

Oh, not again. Snotlout is up to no good... again! How did Snotlout rope you into one of his crazy schemes, [your Viking's name]?

Well, I'll be there. I need to make sure whatever he's doing is harmless to Berk. C'mon, Toothless.

7- Talk to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

That muttonhead! This is a serious situation and he's just making it worse with his dumb money making plans. Ohh, it's just like Snotlout to only think about himself!

8- Talk to Fishlegs about Snotlout's scheme


File:Fishlegs icon.png

How interesting! Did Snotlout say what he was making with the Death Song amber? I'm curious to find out! There might be some really interesting science behind his inventions...

9- Talk to Ruffnut about Snotlout's scheme


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Did he make anything that I can use to hit my brother in his head? Oh, Tuffnut's done nothing wrong. I just like hitting him in the head.

10- Talk to Tuffnut about Snotlout's scheme


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Well, I'll go... but this better be a catered event. If I'm going to be sold something, I expect to be wooed! Snotlout needs to make me feel appreciated if he wants me to spend my precious money.

11- Meet Snotlout in the Great Hall


File:Snotlout icon.png

Ta-da! Good Vikings of Berk, I have gathered here the greatest in Death Song amber technology. You're going to be shocked. You're going to be amazed. You're going to want to purchase two of everything! It's just 10 coins per invention. What a deal!

Step right up to the tables to take a closer look. I have everything that you might possibly need. These items glisten in the sun with the golden hue of the Death Song!

[Note: steps 12-14 can be done in any order]

12- Look at the amber pieces


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These mugs have great grip and perfect storage capacity! The cup is translucent, so you can see your liquid while you enjoy it. The amber gets... sticky, with hot drinks. I would stick to cold brews with this cup.

13- Look at the ear plugs


File:Snotlout icon.png

Can't get a good night's sleep because your dragon likes to snore? I'm looking at you here, Fishlegs. Use these Death Song amber ear plugs to shut out the world! You won't be hearing anything while the amber is covering your ears.

14- Look at the back scratcher


File:Snotlout icon.png

This backscratcher is for that one spot on your back that you can never quite reach. If you get an itch there, it can be a terrible night! Use this Death Song amber backscratcher to satisfy that itch in style. Don't put too much pressure on it, though. If you aren't careful, you can tear right through your skin...

Oh ho! I saved the best for last. Come upstairs to meet me and you'll find your prize for helping me out.

15- Pick up Snotlout's ...present


File:Snotlout icon.png

I've made a little statue that you can put in your farm, made out of the highest grade amber! I call it "Snotlout in Repose". You can have one for free, since you helped me out so much during this business venture. Don't ever say I never did you a favor!
