The Raging Storm

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File:Hiccup icon.png

The storm is coming! Bucket's head is swelling in his bucket, Gothi's bones are aching, and the animals are all huddled in their pens. We can't stop it from hitting the school, but all the preparations we made will help lessen the damage!

Meet me in the great hall at the school. We'll ride out the storm there!

1- Enter the Great Hall


File:Hiccup icon.png

Whoa! Watch out!

File:Bucket icon.png

Wow, look at all this water!

Step back, [Your Viking's Name] and I got this.

We're going to need some buckets.

Lots of buckets.


File:Heather icon.png

The roof broke, but it could have been a lot worse. Let's clean up the room by gathering the debris.

2- Clear 8 pieces of debris from the Great Hall (0/8)


File:Heather icon.png

You've done a bang-up job!

File:Hiccup icon.png

Now that the storm had ended, let's go back outside and see how badly it hit the school. I hope we can fix everything that broke!

3- Go back to the school


File:Hiccup icon.png

Wow. That's... amazing.

The interesting thing is that the rainbow is an arc of light that makes up the color spectrum. You saw the color spectrum when you refracted the light with a prism. A raindrop and a prism are similar in many ways. They are both transparent, transmit light, refract light, and serve as a lens to create a beautiful sight.

The wind and the rain smashed wood from the buildings and spread it across the school. Natural processes can cause natural hazards. We can't eliminate these hazards, but we can take steps to reduce the damage they cause us.

Let's get to work! Can you help clean up by gathering the debris?

4- Clean up 6 pieces of debris at the school (0/6)


File:Hiccup icon.png

Good job. We have a lot to do, but it's a good start.

File:Phlegma icon.png

[Phlegma appears in the dialogue box, but most likely it is Hiccup saying these lines]

Can you talk to the Botanist ans see how badly the storm damaged our food supply? She's by the Hatchery.

5- Meet the Botanist at the School


File:Phlegma icon.png

The storm destroyed some of our crops, but the food we gathered will help us through the shortage. Thank you so much for helping gather them previously.

File:Heather icon.png

Bucket, Mulch, and Gobber are going to be patching up the broken buildings, but we'll need more resources. Will you chop trees down in the Wilderness and bring me 6 wood logs?

6- Deliver 6 wood logs to Heather


File:Heather icon.png

Thank you. This will go a long way to fixing a lot of the buildings that got damaged. The storm hurt the school, but we'll get through it together as a community. No, as a family.

File:Hiccup icon.png

[Your Viking's Name]! While you were helping Heather with the other buildings, I've figured out a great solution for the ruined roof. Meet me by the house and see what we've done!

7- Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

Glass allows light to pass through it because it's transparent, and it keeps the elements out of the Great Hall. With this, the sunlight will brighten the inside of the Great Hall and fill the room with cheer.

Thank you, [Your Viking's Name]. The storm hit, but we were ready because of your help. When the next problem comes up, I know I can count on you.