Thieves, Vagabonds, Miscreants

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File:! icon.png

"Looking for someone to help out with something completely legitimate and above board. uh, helping out with math homework. I hope you know your angles and... isosceles triangles." - Ruffnut

1-Talk to Ruffnut in New Berk


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Oh good! I didn't get a square. No, I don't give a hoot about geometry! I'm going to pull an epic prank on Gobber, and I've recruited a willing conspirator. I'm going to train him to be the perfect disciple of Loki.

(I knew you were my favorite Night Light for a reason, little buddy.)

Ruffrunner gives us an air of deniability. You're just taking our guest for a stroll. I need you to sneak into the smithy and steal one of Gobber's favored tools. He'll never know what happened!

I can't go with you; Gobber banned me from entering a twenty foot radius around his place. (A total misunderstanding.)

Tap on Ruffrunner and lead him into the smithy; you need to make sure no one spots you!

2-Tap on Ruffrunner and lead him into the smithy without anyone noticing


File:! icon.png

Now, is there anything that Gobber would notice is missing right away? You should take a look around the smithy and see if anything catches your eye.

3-Find something worth nicking


File:! icon.png

This axe/hammer fits the bill!

Ruffrunner looks like he's raring to go! You should give him the axe.

4-Give the axe/hammer to Ruffrunner


File:! icon.png

Another prank succesfully pulled off! You should go back to Ruffnut and revel in the victory.

5A-Talk to Ruffnut - (Axe option)


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Well done. Gobber will have no idea what's going on. He'll question his reality and descend into a spiral of doubt and confusion.

We'll make a proper prankster out of Ruffrunner yet!

5B-Talk to Ruffnut - (Hammer option)


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Hmm, the little runt never came back here. You think that he's a secret agent, getting the hammer for someone else? I don't like it...

Or! This is his prank on us! Well played, little one, well played.


File:! icon.png

Where could the mischievous Night Light have gone? He couldn't have gone too far from the town square. You should look for Ruffrunner.

6B-Find Ruffrunner


File:! icon.png

That's probably enough excitement for one day. You should tap on Ruffrunner and bring him back to the Light Fury.

7B-Tap on Ruffrunner and bring him back to his family


File:Hiccup icon.png

You know something? I shouldn't be surprised at anything the twins try by this time, but I never can tell what they'll cook up. I hope the Night Lights take after their parents more than Ruffnut's antics.

Thank for bringing him back, [your Viking's name].