Trail of Destruction

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File:! icon.png

These saplings have been destroyed recently. Follow the trail of broken trees to find who did this.

1- Follow the trail of destroyed trees


File:! icon.png

The trail of destruction leads to the Ice Caves. Who would do such a thing? Follow the trail to solve the mystery.

2- Enter the Ice Caves


File:! icon.png

It's the baby Groncicle you rescued. He's grown up!

The Groncicle looks sad and confused. You should follow him.

3- Click/Tap on the Groncicle and follow him


File:Mildew icon.png

Ah, [your Viking's name]. What a pleasant surprise! Oh, don't worry. I was just leaving. I got what I came here for. It's been an interesting treasure hunt, and I managed to get rid of some pesky neighbors in the process. It's been a good day!

File:! icon.png

That sounds ominous. You should talk to Hiccup.

4- Go tell Hiccup about Mildew


File:Hiccup icon.png

Mildew destroyed the Groncicle nest and stole their eggs? That's terrible! I wonder if he's done anything else to them.

As dragon trainers, it's our duty to protect dragons and their habitats from being destroyed. I'll talk to Mildew and make sure he doesn't try anything like this again. Thanks for looking out for the Groncicles, [your Viking's name].

Can you fly around his house with [your dragon's name] and look for anything suspicious? We'll want to check just in case he's done anything to harm the Groncicles.

5- Fly around Mildew's house and the sea to look for clues (4)

[Item found: 4 Frozen Groncicle Eggs]


File:Hiccup icon.png

Stolen eggs! The Groncicles will be very happy to get these back.

Take the Groncicle eggs back to the Groncicle nest.

6- Deliver the eggs to the Groncicles


File:! icon.png

The Groncicles are overjoyed to get their eggs back. Great job!